whats the best way to check cocaine purity?

shit its not gritty its in brick forms and when i rub my fingers together it just disapeared into my fingers real smooth like.....no grit at all. shit after the Clorox test it turned to a paste like after i poured out the bleach... im guessin this is bomb shit. i put residue on my finger and put it on my tounge and it went numb and numb my lip lol
It’s almost oily absorbs humidity very easily and last the smell, that one unexplainable smell as close to uncut as you can get
Ok I usually don’t post on here I was simply looking up heating points for purity because it’s been a while I don’t mess with drugs much any more sense I got clean but my current job is physically and mentally exhausting I usually take the amphetamines that were prescribed to me and I can just put them down with little cravings that give me some insomnia cocaine has some cravings honestly I don’t see how people ruin there lives over this shit I’m not saying I know every thing about mind altering substances but I’ve dealt with them sense I was a child and cocaine is the first thing I moved around with so I know enough to give my opinion I notice that all the post are from 2010 and most of you were probably kids that did a couple rails and thought you knew it all I’ve seen a lot of different purity’s over the years and recently ran into the purest I’ve ever seen I’m guessing it comes straight from Columbia and no middle man like Mexico stepping on it and raising the price I paid 80 a g for this so I figured it should be good and I got plugged a lot not going to say how much but it was a good amount so the person gets a good price I was guessing it’s been stepped on once or twice obviously to make more profit but I’m going to test it out and see because I’m now thinking it’s straight of the key so now that I proved it know what I’m doing and talking about I need to just say this so no one gets killed or hurt so if your reading this and got this far without getting bored my guess is you got some decent yay you can test it out by the heat test for purity I found that to be the best but if your not convinced by that then you can do a distilled water test if you don’t want to waste your time or don’t have access to distilled water just use regular water if it’s good shit you will know by these two test as for detecting lidocaine or any other question just ask me I will respond with what I know from years of experience and research again disclaimer I don’t have a PhD in drugs lol I just know a lot from experience so It’s possible I won’t know the answer to in depth question but I can point you in the right direction I DO NOT AGREE WITH SUBSTANCE ABUSE I USE THIS STUFF NOW TO JUST GET ME THREW WORK. AND ALSO I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT LIKE ENCOURAGE DRUG DEALERS WELL THE ONES CUTTING I MEAN ITS A PROFIT INDUSTRY I GET IT BEEN THERE BUT HAVE SOME MORALS AND RESPECT FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS AND LET THEM KNOW WHAT ITS CUT WITH IF YOU DONT WANT TO TELL THEM THEN OBVIOUSLY YOUR RIPPING PEOPLE OFF OR YOU HAVE PUT THERE LIFE IN DANGER FOR PROFIT AND YOU SHOULD BE LOCKED AWAY IN A CRIMINALY INSANE ASYLUM BECAUSE YOUR MOST LIKELY A NARCISSISTIC PSYCHOPATH OR SOCIOPATH SO USERS KNOW YOUR DEALER AND LOOK AROUND AND TRY DIFFERENT SUPPLIERS AGAIN I DONT CONDONE OR SUPPORT THE USE OF DRUGS OR THE SELLNG OF IT BUT I UNDERSTAND WHY THIS POST IS JUST TO PROTECT LIVES AND ALSO TO KEEP EVERYONE SAFE AND OUT OF JAIL UNLESS YOUR A PIECE OF SHIT DEALER THAN KINDLY KILL YOUR SELF OR FIND A DIFFERENT LINE OF WORK okay I’m starting to come down so I’m done for now lmfao I leave you with this if you don’t know what your talking about take that know it all attitude somewhere else people are experimenting with substances and your giving wrong advice that could hurt them also put the cocaine down and try lab made amphetamines it’s a more potent safer stimulant that is more rewarding and last wayyy longer and barely any cravings just take some sleeping meds if you can’t sleep stay safe and know your facts and research throughly my friends and fellow mind altering substances researchers oh don’t fuck with opiates any living thing can get addicted to them and it’s almost impossible to get off of
IF YOUR NOT LIEING SOUNDS LIKE YOU GOT THAT RAW.. i know how to cut yay with lidocain and laxitives, then put it in a press and spray it with acetone, or strong alcohal...everclear, and brick it back up, but its not the same... an expreianced person will know it will be bricked but brittley
Ok your obviously experienced in stepping on yay to the point your an ass hole that rips his customers off for profit I hope you not charging a high price I hope I’m wrong and your a decent human that keeps his customers happy and safe but you literally bragged about how much you know of cutting so you probably have done it
if you handled ehough soft in your life you can litterly rub your finger over a brick and tell if its raw or not by rubbing a lil coke inbetween your tumb and index finger.... if its oily it raw.......... if its grittyish its stepped on... takes a lil time to get this down.... plus pure coke has that look to it... it like a greyish white and bricked hard has fuck like chalk if its oil based, and sparkley flakes if its that good snorting coke.... aka the fish scale
I don’t know how to like comments on here first time on this site but thanks for spiting knowledge
I like your rhythm and flow of things ;)

But anything here you find in America will be cut to SHIT! Anything that slightly stings the nose and makes your heart feel strained after a few lines is cut. Good ass blow will cost about 80 a gram. A 100mg line will set your straight !
Dude I’m sorry I have to it says your a well known member so I take it you’ve been doing this a while but I’m noticing in your reply’s and comments that your taking research from the internet with the once or twice you’ve had tried yay I read your other post some things are pretty accurate but your vocab and just how your description is being laid out it’s to uniformed you were obviously inexperienced with this drug when you posted this shit but you have some good knowledge as well so maybe you just spent to much time and gave to much thought into the feelings of it FYI just stumbled upon the best I’ve ever had and my nose is fucked after two rails so yeah raw can fuck it up Not trying to discredit you just informing people
Now that experience sounds pure, and untouched by greedy fingers ;)
Oh my bad dude I blasted the wrong guy for going to in depth and uniform of the feelings but still you don’t know what your talking about here you even tried to recover from it I earlier posts lmao I hope your knowledge has gotten larger about this subject just stop writing if your not sure about what your saying you will end up giving bad advice and could hurt people hope your safe and did more research
Just because it numbs doesn't mean its good... actually thats a impurity right there. I'll settle for a fairly decent pile of cocaine... but its something I cannot indulge in. I'm a man who cherishes the purity of drugs lols
I agree with this one for sure I can’t get into this shit as well it’s just a waste of money for a short high with little euphoria it will make you broke in just little time honestly lab amphetamines are cheaper and more potent of a stimulant also safer and last way longer with little craving I don’t use just for the feeling like I used to I use it as a performance drug lately but I ran out early so I had to get some yay to make it through my job #imnottalkingaboutbackwoodsmeth it’s prescribed shit it’s safer and professionally made
Dear brother ... before the product arrives at your guys place ... it get's stepped many times along the way. (the product must be shipped and therefore changes many hands ... and let's be honest, people are greedy) Obviously the quality of the product at hand depending on the quantity your buddy moves. So think clearly about your source and what he mainly moves. He might say that it is pure ... but that is because he did not cut it himself. In terms of numbness ... the one you speak of ... as it seems ... might be attributed to many cut agents. As per NDA's post, lidocaine is one of them novacane is another both producing the same effect. There are others. But that is not the scope of this thread.
The more I learn the more I realize that I know nothing (as there is so much to know ... and not enough time) ... but I have learned from my travels to South America ... what the real deal tastes like. It has been very hard since these trips to replicate the sensation of locally purchased product no matter how pure it was claimed to be.
The numbness is felt first through your nasal passage ... at first. Following the 'drip' as the substance travels down your system, your head starts feeling like it is turning into 'styrofoam' of sort (my best analogy)... then you get gust of rushes along your shoulders/back area and moves down through your extremities. Think of cool breeze as it hits warm body (as you step out of a shower) feeling. Little hairs on your arms ... do the feel like they want to reach to the sky ... like you got zapped with electric current .... do you feel that ?

Obviously I share my experiences and how my brain perceives the substance. I have discussed this extensively with friends during insufflation at many sessions. As also after the experience ... effects have been identical ... hence this base line ... and my rant on the subject.
You obviously haven’t had good cocaine before lol but you are right about knowing your source and what it’s cut with
ok im curious to how people check the purity of coke? i know the bleach one but im curious to what others are out there.
Ok I’m done blasting the comments on your post from 2010 I was just proving and hoping you realize to research these things well before you do something you know little about hope your safe there were a couple off comments on here that pointed you in the right direction just most of them were full of shit