whats the best soil to use for an indoor closet?


Active Member
Dude, if you are going to use soil, get soil with 6.5-7 ph and put it in the oven.
Mix it with perlite 1/3 and soil 2/3.

Have fun :)

Horizontal Genetics

Active Member
I dont think you just want to get any soil, to whatever store you go to, if you see any of these grab them youll be good. Foxfarm ocean forest(organic) Light warrior(very good for germination) Black gold( this is organic and a premium blend of potting soil. Ive never heard of anyone getting these soils with bugs or anything, if you go to places like home depot or stores like lowes where they leave their gardening soils out in the open with holes from tossing the bags and rain entering the soil you will prob get bugs


Well-Known Member
Id say go with soil.Ive used hydro.I like soil better your weed dont taste like nutes.Hydro dont keep natural taste like soil does.
Hey guys im also new to growing planning on my first crop to start in the next few weeks, i was wondering what ventilation is recommended and also what lighting and what WATT. Thanks, From aus so cant go to some stores listed above ^^

Also any other advice for my first time would be much appreciated.