whats the best seed company for auto flowering strain

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
From a drug perspective, compared to the wild hemp that proliferates outside in most of the USA, autos are actually an improvement.

See above.

So you smoke wild hemp and It is an improvment I get ityou can't get weed on the reserve

Wild hemp plants are just as "real" as your drug strain, and from a survival/evolution standpoint its your low vigor, low disease resistance drug strain that's "polluting" the local landraces, not the other way around.

But more important, high quality autoflower drug strains contain virtually zero ruderalis genetics anyway, just the autoflower gene.

Your dreaming it is not GMO it is literally bred with Ruderalis, your seriously misinformed multiquoting idiot.

On fem plants, these don't fix your problem because they can. . .and do. . .still make pollen. So even growing only fem autos won't prevent outdoor open pollenization.

My point is made not only are they shitty they hermie left right and center because they are shitty

Bottom line is, if you grow outside, you take the chance of being pollinated. That comes with the territory.

Needless to say, not everyone lives in "these parts". Most of us live in the "real world". Your world you smoke Wild hemp

In the "real world" cops may have ACCESS to helicopters, but most depts just don't have the funds to keep them in the air all year long looking for drugs. Consequently, there are very few jurisdictions in the USA where police actually run routine drug detection efforts from helicopters all year long. Where this sort of thing is done, its typically done in early fall when plants are biggest, most numerous, and easiest to find.

And how are they going to "know" that?

While any clueless hack can pull down a cannabis plant they encounter, true rippers are looking for ripe plants, not seedlings or small veg plants.

Any Punk will stomp your plants or rat you out, just cause they think your a knob.

Consequently, the rippers come out fall time, same as cops, same as harvesters. That's when the action happens.

You make Rippers sound like Migratory birds that make an honest living all year till the fall when they go ripping

Not exactly sure how they could tell the difference late in the season, but if this were true, that would be a reason to grow autos, no?

An Auto is a short shitty little plant and next to the massive trees growing outside they will look like a mistake. Never seen a real outdoor plant I guess.

Not everyone has the space or resources to grow "trees" outdoors to last them all year long. Some people face quite real legal limits as to how many plants they can possess and how much weight they can have, and this may not be enough to last for a full year.

How much more resources do you fucking need to grow a tree versus an auto most of the work is getting there dummy

Lets say you live in an apartment and want to grow a small plant on your patio for a quick summer stash. You can do that with an auto but not a regular plant.
You can certainly grow a regular on a balcony, where the fuck do you live? some place where it is sunny 24/7 for fuck sakes seriously do you really think no one has grown on there balcony, you really are just a kid arn't you. The world is still a very small and wonderous place isn't it.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Anybody who thinks Afghan Kush ryder is top shelf hasn't grown a real plant from start to finish, I saw Afghan Kush Ryder and I thought it was cute, I like real strains that grow pounds.


Well-Known Member
You can certainly grow a regular on a balcony, where the fuck do you live? some place where it is sunny 24/7 for fuck sakes seriously do you really think no one has grown on there balcony, you really are just a kid arn't you. The world is still a very small and wonderous place isn't it.
Not really cut out for this whole community and helping people thing, are you?