What's the best movie in the past 2 decades?


Well-Known Member
Since 1992, in your opinion, what is the #1 best movie (and why?) made since?

Also, if you don't mind, howbout top 5?


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Supertroopers! Why? Because the snozzberries taste of snozzberries.

Dunno really, i'm kinda with Urca on this. Can't really offer any answer but what was a good movie, not the best, as like with best song to get baked to or fav food, i have plenty :)


Well-Known Member
anchorman cause it made me laugh more than most movies do.

top 5 in no specific order besides anchorman
john q
weddin crashers


Well-Known Member
(not in any order and will probably change within the next week)
Forest Gump
American Psycho
Very Bad Things (everybody should watch this)
I hope they serve beer in hell (low ratings but I recommend watching it)


Active Member
I've seen some dumb movies on this list already...first of all I think you would have to break it down by genre and then go from there. Though off the top of my head "The Big Lebowski" would 100% have to be on the list. But like someone already said, so many good movies have been made in the last 20 years that this is an insane feat to attempt. I'm too tired and slightly drunk to attempt to make a list right now. One thing is for sure though, we can't trust those damn award shows to inform us as to what an actually good movie is. They have a fucking 80+ year old nun helping to make these decisions because she was in one shitty movie 70 millenniums ago, as well as a bunch of 7/8 retarded fucks who have no grasp of what a good movie is helping the nun with Alzheimer's because they a so privileged and intelligent that they get to light up a set. FUCK THE OSCARS! I'm done ranting...for now.


Well-Known Member
The other guys,Super troopers,Just watched The Union 2 nights ago excellent BTW,Tombstone,The Devils Rejects.

#1 IMO, Has got to be Limitless, just imagine taking a pill that could give you the most ridiculous insight to reality,that would be the shit until u come down off of it.If u havent seen Limitless I advise that u do,I dont think youll be disaoppointed.


Ursus marijanus
So I am just tripping balls?
Tripping socks, maybe.
<edit> Or not! I'm changing my mind ... I think she's real ... but I'm waiting for the pony avi's triumphal return.

Can't speak to "best", but here are four faves.

The Hunt for Red October
The Big Lebowski


Well-Known Member
I think they did a great job with the American pie /Wedding movies.... I haven't seen the reunion 4,...Will Ferrell movies,... s...and tthe spoofs like scary movie...... and everything else with generous boob shots...keep that going!


Well-Known Member
I can do top 5 I guess

Fear n Loathing in Las Vegas
Dazed and Confused
Goodfella's (I believe it was 91/92)
South Park Bigger, Longer Uncut
Team America: World Police