What's PPM suppose to be and PH?


Active Member
I've been running 5.8-5.9 PH pretty religiously. Heard people saying we should actually be at 6.2-6.3???

What about PPM? I'm at:

900 PPM (hanna), 1152 PPM (Eutech), 1260 (Truncheon).
or 1.8 EC.

Is this too high???

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Need more/exact info on your set up.
If you're doing hydro, then 5.8 is THE perfect number.
PPM varies plant to plant, even those from the same seed stock and breeder.
Some phenotypes will differ.


Active Member
Think this one is too hard to answer. Depends on strain , size of plant, temperature and heaps of other variables. Start off low and pump them up slowly till you notice tips burning. Mine that are around 4 weeks flowering are at 4.5-5 EC without burning


Active Member
Think this one is too hard to answer. Depends on strain , size of plant, temperature and heaps of other variables. Start off low and pump them up slowly till you notice tips burning. Mine that are around 4 weeks flowering are at 4.5-5 EC without burning
what are you on? dwc? i wonder since the plants are always in the nutrient solution in a dwc that it needs MUCH less nutes. I can't even get close to 4.5 EC.


Active Member
5.8 is a good number and i always lived by that, but i'm starting to like the 5.5-5.6 range. The plants seem to flourish. There really is no need to over nute a healthy strain. I'm right around 900ppm myself and my girls and i couldn't be happier.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I grow Deep Water Cooler (DWC) style in 12gal Igloo coolers.
Wouldn't it make since to tailor your nutrients or PH to the particular stage of growth your plant(s) is/are currently in ?
For instance:
Vegetation needs more Nitrogen so PH in that range.
At the onset of bloom, Phosphorous is more important to begin flower production, so PH for it's range.
From mid-bloom until harvest, give more Potassium than the other 2 (N & P) nutrients for a good yield and PH in it's range too.


Just keep the PH stable at 5.8 , if you have the means, and give more of each nutrient during each stage of growth.

Also, your PH shouldn't fall below 5.5 or go above 6.0 really.
Below a PH of 5.5 and you begin to lose Nitrogen uptake.
Above a PH of 6.0 and you begin to lose Phosphorous and Potassium uptake.
The sweet thing is, anywhere between those numbers you get everything including your much needed micro-nutrients, but not above or below those numbers.

I just started DWC last Fall/Winter and had 3 successful harvest.
I've kept a constant 5.8 PH on all 3 grows.
My 1st harvest was almost 7 ounces (Magic Monkey).
My 2nd was a hair over 8 ounces (Elite's Ultimate ChemDawg 08).
My 3rd was a hair over 9 ounces (Neferti's C99 C2 pheno).
All 3 diff strains but it also has to do with me dialing in my set up too.
Same GH Flora Micro, Bloom and KoolBloom powder w/ PBP Cal/Mag and Liquid Karma depending on stage of growth.
And same PH.
