whats one of your worst experiences with...


Well-Known Member
With the law/heroic citizens while smoking???

About a yeat ago i was with a friend in his car and he was giving me a ride to a train station and we were smoking mad weed we parked and i missed the first train so we decided to keep smoking and out of no where we both see this bald dude coming behind the car so we stop and just look and wait and he just says real loud "theres a cooler here!" And walks away and we continue with the sesh and a few moments later the we see the cops coming down our way and i just remember my heart sinking i was like "fuuuck were caught" my friend Pulls out in sync with the cops as they park and we drove off! We just started laughing after and we werr like daaamn that was so sick and close!
one time me and some friends were getting baked behind a 711 and decided to steal some beers. we went in and all putt a 40 in our hoodie and walked out. on the way out I dropped mine and it broke and sprayed everywhere lol everyone bolted lol but I slipped on the beer and kept slippin when I was tryna get back up lol
due from the shop came after me so I took a swing. when he backed up I hit the door, and ran as fast as I coul covered in beer lol
About a year ago maybe less, some crackheads tried to break into my house, not knowing it was a grow house.. I had the windows boarded up on inside, so there was no way they were getting in.. well I pulled up right after they left. One of my neighbor's ran them off. Well shortly afterwards cops show up and raided the house across the street.. after the cops left I asked the neighbor" what happen" he said the cops got a call of a armed robbery.. So those cops were suppose to be coming to my house. Lets just say I am not in a med-state.. I moved out the same day... the house was full of plants..
About a year ago maybe less, some crackheads tried to break into my house, not knowing it was a grow house.. I had the windows boarded up on inside, so there was no way they were getting in.. well I pulled up right after they left. One of my neighbor's ran them off. Well shortly afterwards cops show up and raided the house across the street.. after the cops left I asked the neighbor" what happen" he said the cops got a call of a armed robbery.. So those cops were suppose to be coming to my house. Lets just say I am not in a med-state.. I moved out the same day... the house was full of plants..

Good thing you did!!!! I knew a girl that rhe same thing happened except they broke in stole money and some weed the cops got there before her and saw all her bags of weed amd got busted good for you ny friend
one time me and some friends were getting baked behind a 711 and decided to steal some beers. we went in and all putt a 40 in our hoodie and walked out. on the way out I dropped mine and it broke and sprayed everywhere lol everyone bolted lol but I slipped on the beer and kept slippin when I was tryna get back up lol
due from the shop came after me so I took a swing. when he backed up I hit the door, and ran as fast as I coul covered in beer lol

Hahahaha damn thats crazy...good times with good friends
Okay, so I had just finished a fat bowl of bud. Right. I mean literally cashed the pipe. When I hear a knock on the door. I light a cigarette to try and cover the smell and then answered the door. It was fucking cop knocking. Apparently someone had called animal control on me because my 18yr old dog was taking a nap, and they thought she was dead. The cop was a friend of mine when I volunteered at the animal shelter and ignored the fact that i was high as shit.

Second time, and this scared the living shit out of me.

I had just polished off my 3rd bowl on my back porch. Then came inside and my wife was just getting off work. Well my dealer was getting his door kicked in by the SWAT team right across the street. So now I'm standing there HIGH AS SHIT watching my fucking dealers house get torn apart. The worst part is that I just bought a 1/4 sac from 3 days prior.

I went inside. Tanked the rest of that 1/4. Flushed the baggie. Smashed my pipes, bagged it all up, and threw it away in a dumpster 5 blocks from my house.
I thought about this question for a while and all I could think of was this.....when fast food joints started installing drive thru's myself and 2 friends had been out on the town smoking and drinking and decided to get something to eat so we decided go thru one of those new drive thrust well we pulled up and was deciding what we wanted.....when the person who said can I take your order came over the speaker.....well we all three started laughing uncontrollably for no apparent reason other it just reminded us of the voice's on charlie brown when the adults talk... ..u all know the sound ..we never gained our composure and left never placing an order.
So we tried again at a different place and the same thing occurred.......I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life and for a while we as a group couldn't even drive by a fast food joint without laughing hysterically.The good ole days!
This was almost my worst experience:

In Wisconsin with my brother, I was about 16. We were doing an art fair so this occurred in a mall parking lot late at night. A cop pulled up to investigate us. We were parked smoking a lab-bowl (made of labware). My brother stashed the whole rig under his seat of his 79 Chevy van.

The cop questioned us for a while but never made us get out. When we retrieved the bong we found that the cherry had come out and burned through the cotton money bag that was also under the seat. It contained half a gross of M-80s (ah, the late 70s). You could even see where the smoldering weed had scorched the side of one of the M-80s but missed any fuses.

I would have felt really bad if my brother had blown his dick off that night. It would have made an interesting police report though.

When I think about it, I like to think that the steel seat bottom would have shielded him; like hitler.
one time me and some friends were getting baked behind a 711 and decided to steal some beers. we went in and all putt a 40 in our hoodie and walked out. on the way out I dropped mine and it broke and sprayed everywhere lol everyone bolted lol but I slipped on the beer and kept slippin when I was tryna get back up lol
due from the shop came after me so I took a swing. when he backed up I hit the door, and ran as fast as I coul covered in beer lol

NORTH AMERICANvulgar slang
  1. a contemptible or inept person.
one time me and some friends were getting baked behind a 711 and decided to steal some beers. we went in and all putt a 40 in our hoodie and walked out. on the way out I dropped mine and it broke and sprayed everywhere lol everyone bolted lol but I slipped on the beer and kept slippin when I was tryna get back up lol
due from the shop came after me so I took a swing. when he backed up I hit the door, and ran as fast as I coul covered in beer lol

You were thieving and someone tried to stop you so you took a swing?

Too bad he backed up. Would of been a better story if you got your ass beat.