Whats happening here?


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

This is an adopted plant that's been since topped and trained, but has some issues I just can't identify. Its about 4 weeks old and is vegged indoors and out dependent on weather. It had a nitrogen deficiency and some signs of heat stress earlier in its life but has since recovered, however, new growth has been showing these odd symptoms.

Leaves are darker green around the tips then they move to a lighter green then back to a darker green - see pics - there are these white slightly raised dots over the leaves, no pests visible and its not like mould or mildew and it can't rub off.

If anyone can help me make sense of what's going on would be greatly appreciated haven't seen anything like it before.




Well-Known Member
I think it’s fungus or parasitic life form of some kind. powdery mildew starts off as white spots then covers the leaves. i recommend killing whatever it is by way of regular fungicide spraying.