whats happend to my beutiful green leaves??? ;-) help

im growing lemon skunksome of my leaves have went bright yellow and have brown patches starting from the veins on leaves and plant is in 6th week flowering the brown patches are geting bigger ;-(. sorry have no pics as im not posting pics till its finished . any info folks asap thanks ;-)


nute burn are nute dificinty, are they gettin worst? if they keep getting bad u should flush her out and start again


Well-Known Member
where on the plant are the leaves changing..

if you can, post pics of the discolored leaves. most all deficiencies have specific markings and color change patterns. sounds like you may be lacking most of the basics. try a stronger dose of nutes
ther mostly on the fan leaves but i think the problem started at bottom of plant and its spreading to some leaves at top of plant


Well-Known Member
have you cut out N?

You could try 1 hit of half strength grow.

you could also be using too much bloom nutes.
