What's going on with my wedding cheesecake?

I haven't bothered to test the runoff, just feeding her without adjusting the pH that falls naturally at 6.1.

She seems to be OK with that. Filling up fast now.

Probably should have put a few stakes in for those lower branches.View attachment 4845381

View attachment 4845379
Wow she really turned out to be a Stunner! Amazing how she went from so short to that. Awesome Job! My lil wedding cheesecake auto is about day 22 now I think. And she only about 6-7 inches in height but I been training horizontal for about 2 weeks now. And she a wide, low girl. I hope she shoots to the sky like yours! :mrgreen:
Wow she really turned out to be a Stunner! Amazing how she went from so short to that. Awesome Job! My lil wedding cheesecake auto is about day 22 now I think. And she only about 6-7 inches in height but I been training horizontal for about 2 weeks now. And she a wide, low girl. I hope she shoots to the sky like yours! :mrgreen:
Thank you. Wasn't much to do but feed her often with as much light as possible.

If the quality of this is decent I will do a roll of autoflowers just to get a variety of experiences.in growing and vaping.

The only attention she got other than feeding was being topped and the 20 seconds it took to stake her down one time.

This was the EZ Peeziest. I can see many more home growers from this.
Thank you. Wasn't much to do but feed her often with as much light as possible.

If the quality of this is decent I will do a roll of autoflowers just to get a variety of experiences.in growing and vaping.

The only attention she got other than feeding was being topped and the 20 seconds it took to stake her down one time.

This was the EZ Peeziest. I can see many more home growers from this.

I lied. I thinned her out last night to give her some air and light all around.
Day 77 - She's growing toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Home stretch. Trichomes are 100% cloudy but no amber yet

She got a little trim and underwire support for photo day.

One bud seemed to collapse under it's own weight.

Day 78 - A little amber is starting. Probably less than 5%. Perhaps I didn't look close enough yesterday. We'll see tomorrow how much more appears. This is just in time too. I am almost out & although there isn't a strong odor there is some & I don't have a filter in this tent.

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I checked the trichomes again yesterday & now I realize I must have looked at a leaf, not a calyx, when I saw some amber. This time I saw 100% very cloudy but no amber. Will check again later today.
I saw 2 amber trichomes after some searching so it was chop time this morning, Day 83.

Mild aroma. I will have to describe it better later because I just brushed my teeth but right now it has a fresh green wintery aroma. That wintery part is probably Sensodyne though.

Last pics before the trim -

"C'mon,smoke me. You know it's time. Take me now."


Not enough credit to the root ball. It filled the 5-gallon pot.


The stars of the show. Pretty hefty feel. I'll check the weight in a week.
