Whats going on with my main cola


Active Member
Hey guys, right now im growing star 47, i vegged her under cfls for 1m and a half flowered her under cfls too till about week 4
but then i just got an hps 600w , put her under it and shes growing much faster doing good , other than some of the fans that were getting heat stress, but thats taking care of now, but my main cola stoped showing hairs and is very small too, but there r not any more white hairs popping, my bottom growth has hairs and is producing fine whats going on


New Member
Pictures are needed please. They will slow down 4-5th week and start putting weight on. You might have stressed her, how did you introduce the 600, slowly or did you put it right on her head right away? JAS


Well-Known Member
Picture please.

Without a pic to confirm its just speculation

My thoughts are possibly burnt from the 600w.



Well-Known Member
other than some of the fans that were getting heat stress, but thats taking care of now, but my main cola stoped showing hairs and is very small too,

You answered your question with your first post.... you heat stressed your plant.... the main cola was damaged.... cut it, or leave it, there is no WTF.... it stopped growing because you heat stressed the plant, the rest of plant might recover fine, because the roots were good...
Good Luck man...