It doesn't take any idiot cop to see through finshaggy! hahaha! Go to the "worlds largest 420 party" thread and look at the picture of that dog turd in a bag. Now search for hash on Denver C.L. and you will find a picture of that same hash poop! It's not hard to put 2 and 2 together. (unless your name is finshaggy) Funny how the guy smart enough to legalize weed for all of Texas can't cover his own ass on the internet. Fin got his redcard, legally obtained some weed, made some crap hash, illegally sells it on C.L. with pictures that tie it to him ....all while telling us how fuckin smart he is! How in the world did the Texas authorities ever catch this criminal mastermind!?!?![]()
Well, I never sold anything. I smoked all the hash before anyone contacted me. So there was no patient to patient sale.
And I've heard from budtenders that it's fine to sell to people you aren't caregiving for. What if a caregiver is left with extra product, are we legally forced to smoke it? NO.
Dispensaries even buy stuff from people who come in their stores, when they are short on product. (They are allowed to get 30% of their products this way).
Well, I never sold anything. I smoked all the hash before anyone contacted me. So there was no patient to patient sale.
And I've heard from budtenders that it's fine to sell to people you aren't caregiving for. What if a caregiver is left with extra product, are we legally forced to smoke it? NO.
Dispensaries even buy stuff from people who come in their stores, when they are short on product. (They are allowed to get 30% of their products this way).
Wow you are misinformed, patient to patient sales is nt legal. and dispaensaries buy from other licenced dispensaries for their extra. they cannot buy from regular people.
And I love how ya changed your story from one post to the next...."im not breaking laws" to "I smoked all my stuff before i sold any of it" just give up before you make it worse
but you really think they can just buy the rest from anyone who walks in off the street with a red card?
Soon he will be on the run from colorado authorities as well
If I'm breaking the law, then there are plenty of dispensaries for authorities to go after before me.
I get all my Colorado bud advice from them.
Yes they can.
I don't give a fuck what you THINK. I KNOW what the dispensaries told me they do.
You're just some kid on the internet.
...maybe when hes in custody he can get access to a terminal and tell you all how wrong you were. hes exactly the type who would.
you wonder why noone wants to have you at any of our gathering and noone wants to come to yours? its because youre a total fucking tool and a moron. you are sitting here arguing with people who have been in this bussiness for a long while and if a dispensry is telling you something that is wrong they are trying to help you out and you just blow em off or worse, act like your better then us. get a fucking clue kid your not even old enough to drink and you think youre some hot shit grower/dealer in this state. get a fucking clue and stop posting in colorado because im telling you right now, you have made it apparent to basically everyone that is worth knowing on these boards youre a joke.
'nuff said.
To be fair the legalities of patient to patient sales is debatable, I don't believe the language of A20 has been tested against 1284 in a courtroom BUT we all know Finny doesnt have two dimes to rub together to afford to argue the point if it came down to it. Plus they would learn real quick he's on the run and would certainly fuck with him any way they could. People like Finny are the reason cops hate weed.
But he couldnt be more wrong about the dispensaries and I doubt any 'budtender' told him anything, he couldnt afford anything from a dispensary anyway.
no, when he's in custody finspammy will legalize weed for the entire universe!
leave it to EC to be the diplomatic one out of the group, honestly its why I love the guy. Im sorry i blew up on the kid before but when ya say shit to friends I take it kinda personally.
and uncle buck ya beating a dead horse with your jokes....get some new material