WHAT'S going ON HeRe?

I will let photo's do the talking . Someone help me out here ,i have made every adjustment possible to correct issue only 3 outa 23 plant's have this issue .They have been in soil longer only difference .All other in same room same strain's on track looking lovely. last pic is week 4 day1 flower yes they get food 1000ppm or less every other feeding only in flower . during veg i let soil do the feeding about 2 to 3 week's GH 3 part like 1-4-6 ml per gal 6.5 ph cal mag, silica ,180 ppm, tap water, with boogie blue filter,Im at a loss, has happen'd the last 3 grow's on selected plant's they yellow wk 2 ,small bud , zero frost,now we got the purple iv yet to have that . It's not below 62 at night beside's every other plant would b purp as well soil i run root's organic orig,FFOF,perlite , about 1/3's , water every 3rd day . Plant's are usually nice n dry day 3 . Where's the love roll it up


run off ph in check its like 6.2 or higher i think 5.8 i would have problem's root's look killer not dead or water log'd . I have somewhat a grasp on what's up with growing seem's to b one thing after the next had trouble cloning for week's That's dial'd in now 14 day's cut to dirt not to bad for a dwc cloner . brown slime was relentless ,aqua shield and clone x all i gotta say . Maybe my room is just dialed in now floor is even white, temp's perfect, root's white ,and big aggressive growth run off of ppm reads like 400 to 500 so there eating
also grow before this had same problem let it ride and nothing changed that's even with flush , lite feed,dry out ,ppm ,ph check nothing help'd . Not enough food when 12/12 flip? i use base expert schedule from gh no nectar i use sweet raw,gh 3 part , floral plus,silica ,cal mag, 6.5 ph sometime's 6.0 to 6.3 is this bad ? liquid k bloom and that's it i finish with dry kool bloom, and deuce deuce ,2 wk flush meaning water only
I did feed them 1000 ppm, let em dry out still look'd ill if not worse also the next watering was just ph'd 6.3 to 6.5 water with silica,cal mag . I am told cal mag is more for hydro , r/o water but my buddy told me even in soil he run's it 3 ml per gal up until wk 7
has N in it reason for dropping it . Say's plant's use alot of it . My feed schedule call's for 1 ml per gal of N up tell like wk 6 or 7 . I use 4 to 6 ml i believe of micro ,and 6 to 8 ml of bloom per gal
Is a de chlorinator bad to use? i doubt it just hook's to end of hose was told my tea's would brew better but they didn't BOOGIE BLUE good for like 50k gal's of water .Seem's when i ran like 1500 ppm i was petter off . I gave it a shot at under 1000ppm wasn't happy with result's from grow
Would a p booster b wise or is base 3 part, with liquid kool bloom,floral plus,sweet raw enough ? 1000 ppm feeding's that's with 180 tap ppm already every other watering


Well-Known Member
I did feed them 1000 ppm, let em dry out still look'd ill if not worse also the next watering was just ph'd 6.3 to 6.5 water with silica,cal mag . I am told cal mag is more for hydro , r/o water but my buddy told me even in soil he run's it 3 ml per gal up until wk 7
has N in it reason for dropping it . Say's plant's use alot of it . My feed schedule call's for 1 ml per gal of N up tell like wk 6 or 7 . I use 4 to 6 ml i believe of micro ,and 6 to 8 ml of bloom per gal
How long ago did you feed?
I don't know why you mentioned hydro, but you also mentioned your feed 'schedule'.......Does that mean the instructions on your bottle?
What is the 4 to 6 and the 6 to 8 you are talking about? How is that in relation to your instructions?


Well-Known Member
Apparently we have a lost preacher that does not know where the religion forum is.
I was under the impression his was a weed forum.
How long ago did you feed?
I don't know why you mentioned hydro, but you also mentioned your feed 'schedule'.......Does that mean the instructions on your bottle?
What is the 4 to 6 and the 6 to 8 you are talking about? How is that in relation to your instructions?
hydro meaning do you only use cal mag in hydro ? i grow in dirt tap water has these element's r/o water does not get it? also 4 to 6 ml that's a measurement witch is call'd for on expert feed schedule GH line. 6 to 8 was a measurement as well BLOOM . That's the relation to my instruction .


Well-Known Member
No, you can use cal/mag in soil too, What my question was is are you giving the amount suggested, or less or more than what instructions suggest.
i use 3 ml per gal cal mag .It calls for 5ml per gal . I also use the silica at 1/2 tsp per gal my feed schedule looks something like 1 ml per gal grow, 4 to 6 ml per gal micro,and 5 to 8 ml bloom i really just use the expert feed schedule from General hydro
My temp's are pretty sweet 73 to 77 max, light's on. 30 to 55 percent humidity light's on or off the night temp gets to about 60 . Cold i do not believe the problem it's only 3 plant's out of 25 . The only difference between them and rest of room is they had a month veg


New Member
Those purple leaves is most likely due to the strain. They look like they are starving...1400ppm 3part, 3mls. of sensizym or similar per litre wil darken them babies up.
Thank's sir ganja yea my very first grow, i ran like 1500 ppm with fantastic result's . I however listen'd to other's and ran the nothing over 1000 ppm for a cycle crappy result's this go wil be full dose 1000ppm +