whats going on here??? help


Active Member
this plant is aboout 2 1/2 months old, and is only about 7 inches tall a couple of hours ago i transplanted it to a bigger pot at started it on 12/12. i also just started its nutes and have been giving it aquafina 6.2 ph. it has always looked completly retarded, misshapend, hooked or just botched looking leaves, weird stacking ect. can this plant really be retarded? i grew it completly alone and let i grow natural with no nutes up until now. i just gave it alittle h20 and SuperThrive. what should i do differently, is this plant retarded, and do retard plants produce buds the same?


Well-Known Member
i am no professional but i think that you may want to give your plants a couple of weeks before making them flower so they can over come the stress of the transplant


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and i dont think they come retarded just mutated lol it looks like maybe too much water let the fuckers dry out a bit too


Active Member
so... i should go put it back outside for a couple weeks longer?? then... start 12/12??? and what do think about it being retarded???


Well-Known Member
I've had some plants just do that aswell... I believe it's caused by light at a young age.
But I like those one's.. one turned out to be a hermie and killed it... the other female..
If anything they look over-watered...
Just give it time... I would let it get bigger before flowering...


Well-Known Member
i had a plant that looked very retarded when it sprouted yes it did turn out to be male but it grew just fine.... no i wouldnt say put it back outside i would just say put your inside lights on 18/6 or you can put it back outside i mean free light right

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
What soil are you using? it sounds like the reason it is staying so small is because it is not getting enough nitrogen. mine plants are about a month old right now and huge, about 12-16 inches. using MG moisture control with 6.6 phd water. also what lights are you running?


Active Member
its been a complete outdoor plant the; soil is has a mixture of pine bark, topsoil, perlite, and i did put a few nitro stix in a while ago. yesterday i transplanted it in a 12 inch pot to begin it on 12/12 and am trying to bring the ph balance to about 6. im not sure if i should force it into flowering right now though. cuz i just transplanted pots, but at the same time it seems as if the plant doesnt even know it somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
well it will take a while for your plant to realize wtf is going on i wouldnt try to confuse it too much though i would decide what you are going to do and stick with it. and i would probably get rid of the nitrogen sticks they are great for house plants but you are going to be watching this one carefully and you dont want too much nutes getting to it. Those are time released and what you are going to be giving it will just be on top of what you put it very risky