WHats goin on with the leaves?


Active Member
the pictures below describe themselves.

the plant was thriving before when i had them in the closet. about a week before i took them out into the room this started to happen to the leaves. it was warm in there 85* but i had all the other plants in there and they were even closer to the light than this one was so i dunno if thats it. I give them 1 tsp of grow big, 1 tbs of big bloom, and 2 tsp of tiger bloom every other watering(i was doing that every watering but switched to every other last week). i water every 2-3 days depending on the soil at the time. the plants are in ocean forest soil and i just transplanted them into 4 gal containers 2 nights ago. this is almost their 6th week of flower. any help would be appreciated


buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
cal mag deficent

add a table spoon of epsomsallts or go buy cal mag at a grow shop!

and go easy on the ferts there way green


Active Member
awesome you rock, thank, look like def salt build up or over fert problem. do you think just flushing it with regular ph balanced water would do or do you think pickin up some flora kleen would help even more?

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
awesome you rock, thank, look like def salt build up or over fert problem. do you think just flushing it with regular ph balanced water would do or do you think pickin up some flora kleen would help even more?
id use water ph to 6.5 but then if you have lots of ferts in your soil it will release them more

flora kleen is for flushing at the end of a bud cyle i think.

do the cal mag only or in the flush


Well-Known Member
good call bugs- I agree with the overt fert especially of n-dark green leathery leaves, some contortion, stretched buds. Im gonna guess your ph is out of whack as well. you may have to flush a good amount to get those nutes drained and out of the soil. as for the cal mag and ph, fine dolomite lime will help tremendously, if you cant pick up any calmag.


Active Member
just got back form the hydro store, didnt have any cal mag so i just picked up the flora kleen and am gonna give it a good flushing and reduce the nutes on this plant. all the other plants seem to be eating them up. thanks for the advice