What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
starting the grill now for pork chops or burgers, i will decide by the time i get to the kitchen, mrs sunnyboy doesn't care as long as i cook it :clap: oh yeah life is good

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
We're having homemade Chicken Pot Pie. First time ever. I'm not exactly a good cook, so if it's bad the wildlife or the neighbors dog will get it.

Edit: Dinner was fantastic! I love allrecipes.com. They make it so easy even I can do it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I. Fucked. Up.

Well, the weather turned cold today. We went from the mid 70's to the upper 30's in less than 12 hours. So I decided to make a chili soup we call, gem chili. It's made with these little pale green chilis that are hotter than Hell. I removed what we call the heart of the chili. This is the seed bundle contained in the center of the chili and what is responsible for most of the heat. Being the dumb ass that I am, I forgot to put on some gloves. The oil from the chili soaks into your hands and you end up in moderate to extreme pain for about 4-6 hours. In the meantime certain sensitive body parts must not be fondled, scratched, touched, rubbed, folded, spindled or mutilated. Especially certain round body parts surrounded by hair. I was talking about eyes. What did you think I meant? Pervert.

My hands feel like I dipped them in boiling water. There will come a time this night that I will forget, lose concentration, have a lapse of good judgement, smoke a bowl, and scratch what itches. I anticipate pain. Lots of it.

I hate my life.



Ursus marijanus
I. Fucked. Up.

Well, the weather turned cold today. We went from the mid 70's to the upper 30's in less than 12 hours. So I decided to make a chili soup we call, gem chili. It's made with these little pale green chilis that are hotter than Hell. I removed what we call the heart of the chili. This is the seed bundle contained in the center of the chili and what is responsible for most of the heat. Being the dumb ass that I am, I forgot to put on some gloves. The oil from the chili soaks into your hands and you end up in moderate to extreme pain for about 4-6 hours. In the meantime certain sensitive body parts must not be fondled, scratched, touched, rubbed, folded, spindled or mutilated. Especially certain round body parts surrounded by hair. I was talking about eyes. What did you think I meant? Pervert.

My hands feel like I dipped them in boiling water. There will come a time this night that I will forget, lose concentration, have a lapse of good judgement, smoke a bowl, and scratch what itches. I anticipate pain. Lots of it.

I hate my life.

Soak your hands in oil.
Use large quantities of mechanic's hand cleaner.
You need grease to draw the capsaicin out.

Oh ... i did a web search ... chlorine bleach will kill capsaicin. i recommend an oil + dish soap pre-clean, then full-strength Clorox on your hands. cn


Well-Known Member
I love middle eastern food....Dearborn Mi has a big population of mid-easterners , with a few good places to eat. I go there once or twice a year....oh, wait...it's lamb we eat there!...taste the same probable anyways...lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lamb cutlets with fresh veg maybe corn on the cob to go with.

donner meat is so fuckin rank. when have you ever seen lamb that looks like this

it's all eyelids toes and cartilage:spew:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Thank you, Oh lady of few words. ;)

Soak your hands in oil.
Use large quantities of mechanic's hand cleaner.
You need grease to draw the capsaicin out.

Oh ... i did a web search ... chlorine bleach will kill capsaicin. i recommend an oil + dish soap pre-clean, then full-strength Clorox on your hands. cn
I smoked a bowl and slept it off. I must have rubbed my nose in my sleep because I woke up a couple of hours later with burning nostrils. After two showers and several obsessive compulsive episodes of furious soap and water scrubbing, it finally quit hurting. I would like to say this will never happen again. Yes, I would certainly like to say that.