What's For Dinner Tonight?


Lol i just went to the grocery store today and picked some of these up, thats why i posted that.
that's a damn good start, but there's still some shit missing..... add a diced onion, a tablespoon of minced garlic, and a some low-fat, thin cut/diced, spicy sausage. Then when it's 'finished', let it cook on a low heat for at least an hour, while stirring to make sure it doesnt stick to the bottom of the pot for that creamy texture.... damn i wish I could show you Nola redbeans :)

gotta have a bayleaf or two in that pot aswell.... and if you dont have the spicy sausage, add a dash of cayenne pepper.


damn gg you make me hungry just reading how you spruce up that package of red beans
my red beans are from scratch, but for a yank the zatarains is a good start, just wanted him to have a good plate.... you know how it is here, red beans and rice is monday's special ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sounds great bro! After a long hiatus from pork, I am recently rediscovering the joys of pork and fruit :)
yeah im not such a big pork fan either hahah especially the po po....

i was actually really surprised at how good the dish turned out tho, 300ml cider 250g shallots 2 red apples sliced and a hand full of chopped sage 4 pork steaks kinda reduces into a syrupy glaze.

tonight its cheapo night lamb grill steaks, baby new taters and peas

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
any time we do lamb here its special , we have to pay top dollar for it , we usually do some chops on the grill,i do love that lamb

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its normally same here but these are like lamb burgers i imagine they are not top quality by a long shot...

normally i love all forms of lamb its my fave meat, minted rack of ribs all the way to crispy lap of lamb, holy shit i havent had lap of lamb in time.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
that's a damn good start, but there's still some shit missing..... add a diced onion, a tablespoon of minced garlic, and a some low-fat, thin cut/diced, spicy sausage. Then when it's 'finished', let it cook on a low heat for at least an hour, while stirring to make sure it doesnt stick to the bottom of the pot for that creamy texture.... damn i wish I could show you Nola redbeans :)

gotta have a bayleaf or two in that pot aswell.... and if you dont have the spicy sausage, add a dash of cayenne pepper.
Well fuckin thank you! Tried it last night and it was bomb. I didnt have any sausage so i threw in some cayenne peper like you said. I can only imagine how good itd taste with sausage. Next time im gona cook somthin thats from NO, im hittin you up for more recipes! lol


Global Moderator
Staff member
its normally same here but these are like lamb burgers i imagine they are not top quality by a long shot.
Here's a recipe I made last night & it was an resounding home run.
I used moose burger, but I imagine it would be great with any ground meat except pork.

2 lbs burger
1 minced onion
4 large minced garlic cloves
1/2 cup shredded asiago cheese
1/8th cup (ish) worstershire sauce
Salt & pepper to taste
2 eggs
Parmasan bread crumbs to consistency
Mix her all up & form into fat patties.

Cook in hot nonstick pan w/ olive oil and add cheese when you think they are about done.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Here's a recipe I made last night & it was an resounding home run.
I used moose burger, but I imagine it would be great with any ground meat except pork.

2 lbs burger
1 minced onion
4 large minced garlic cloves
1/2 cup shredded asiago cheese
1/8th cup (ish) worstershire sauce
Salt & pepper to taste
2 eggs
Parmasan bread crumbs to consistency
Mix her all up & form into fat patties.

Cook in hot nonstick pan w/ olive oil and add cheese when you think they are about done.
sounds damn good GWN! cheese in the pattie mix is an awesome idea. i bet the worcester sauce gives it a nice twist. i make meatballs in much the same way minus the cheese i might just give it a go with some in. cheers!

tonight i am making a simple classic well it is round my house haha

fish finger & cheese sandwiches with chips and peas!


Well fuckin thank you! Tried it last night and it was bomb. I didnt have any sausage so i threw in some cayenne peper like you said. I can only imagine how good itd taste with sausage. Next time im gona cook somthin thats from NO, im hittin you up for more recipes! lol
Glad you enjoyed bro. Couldn't have you just cookin that boxed stuff up and thinking that's how we eat ;)


Well-Known Member
Make'n tacos and getting ready to watch the Lions lose.
Homemade tacos with spanish rice and refried beans.
Hot T's from Southwest Detroit too...yummy