What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
I went to the world of nations festival over the weekend and had some Korean bbq. It was very tasty! The heat index was 107 though. Fuck!


Well-Known Member
Go to a Korean BBQ restaurant ,, They allow you to cook your own meat on your very own BBQ in the middle of your table..

Not a grille, a real motherf*ck*g BBQ!


Well-Known Member
fish 29gr protein , no carbs ,

and a half of a banana ......
tryin to lose weight goten?

im a skinny bastard; i pack on calories and carbs just to maintain a weight over 130

im having another bomb marinated steak tonight, cheesy fries and bush beans


Well-Known Member
Porkchops,Yea thats it just pork chops lol,I make some mean chops hahahaha

And with hot/bbq sauce of course


Well-Known Member
tryin to lose weight goten?

im a skinny bastard; i pack on calories and carbs just to maintain a weight over 130

im having another bomb marinated steak tonight, cheesy fries and bush beans
lol , no im not trying to lose weight ,

im just on a high protein low carb diet right now

cuz of my workout scheldule..


lol , no im not trying to lose weight ,

im just on a high protein low carb diet right now

cuz of my workout scheldule..
I figured you picked up some weight during your vacation.... most people do :)

Tonight's menu is 'cajun corn soup'... not like you're thinking yankees, this is a tomato base ;)


Well-Known Member
I figured you picked up some weight during your vacation.... most people do :)

Tonight's menu is 'cajun corn soup'... not like you're thinking yankees, this is a tomato base ;)
hell naw i didnt pick up no wait ,

all i did was work out the whole time...


Well-Known Member
and I haven't gone to sleep since last night,im also a little drunk still to lol,today is gonna suck.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
todday is not a good day, drunk a teeny bit too much of anything and everything. went to some weird restaurant, £7.50 for every course, kinda a fast turnaround resteraunt, but it was usrprisingly good food. i had umm, ho fun something. pork, fish cakes, prawns and vegetable served on stir fried flat rice noodle. it was a kind of soupy thing in the end which i wasn't expecting but thouroughly nice :)


Well-Known Member
I had 27 grilled shrimp with 2 dozen steamed oysters on crackers with butter and hot sauce with coleslaw and broccoli for dinner last night. I went strait to bed when I got home and when I woke up this morning the electricity had gone off due to a storm so I had to take my morning shit in the candle light. I'm not hungry yet this morning so all I've had was an iced coffee from Dunkin donuts.