I knew a guy who kept a jar full of pennies for just such occasions....
My Uncle was a bit of a dark horse, and you could buy M-80's (the real ones) still in S.C. Whenever he swung by, he had his whole glove box full, and as many as I could squeeze into both hands I could have for free. After that, he had a deal with the local hobby shop owner....they were into all sorts of things..... the first time I went in, I asked the guy if he had any M. That's all I got out...he was like NO!!! I realized someone else was in the store... so I waited. fter the guy left I simply said my Uncle sent me.... the guy got a big grin and said... so ur CRACKERJAX ... yes I am.... well, come in the back... it was like visiting OZ .... I was charged 10cents a piece!

Everyone else was 50 cents.
Those were the days.