according to your date stamp you've eaten year old biscuits,scones ?
UNphilly cheesesteak.. they are never the same out here in the south, but i guess its cuz im from Atlantic City

according to your date stamp you've eaten year old biscuits,scones ?
UNphilly cheesesteak.. they are never the same out here in the south, but i guess its cuz im from Atlantic City
jeesus christ! it's a bleeding egg, you get it hot and it cooks! haha. in the UK we have fried egg or we have friend egg. always sunny side up as you call it (sunny side up, what the fuck, is that meant to go hand in hand with some kind of LSD hippy euphoria fueled lifestyle?North Americans use many different terms to describe fried eggs, including:
- A style known simply as 'fried' — eggs are fried on both sides with the yolks broken until set or hard.
- 'Over well', also called 'over hard' or 'hard' — cooked on both sides until the yolk has solidified.
- 'Over medium' — cooked on both sides; the yolk is of medium consistency and the egg white is thoroughly cooked.
- 'Over easy', also called 'over light or runny' — cooked on both sides; the yolk is a thin liquid, while the egg white is partially cooked. "Over easy" fried eggs are also commonly referred to as dippy eggs or dip eggs by Marylanders and by Pennsylvania Dutch persons living in southern Pennsylvania, mainly due to the practice of dipping toast into the yolk while eating.
- 'Sunny side up' — cooked only on one side; yolk is liquid; the egg white is often still a bit runny as well. This is often known simply as 'eggs up'. Gently splashing the hot cooking oil or fat on the sunny side uncooked white, i.e., basting, may be done to thoroughly cook the white. Covering the frying pan with a lid during cooking (optionally adding a cover and half-teaspoon of water just before finishing) allows for a less "runny" egg, and is an alternate method to flipping for cooking an egg over easy (this is occasionally called 'sunny side down').
Did you get my answer to your moon funding question in your thread?Pass the spud....bud.
LOL, nope, just trying to be creative. She how she turns out. It smells sooooooo good right now. Another couple hours and she's done.
i know it's essentially the same thing but i'd go for soft boiled over poached any day. eggy soldiers!soft boiled or poached TTT?
I believe it is in northern Africa. I'll get up with yall later I gota do some yard work.Canaian eh? Is that near Jamaica?
Yah....those ballparks are what I just had.... i have never seen them I couldn't resist... pretty good you said.