What's For Dinner Tonight?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
That makes more sense than my ignorant comment on the subject, lol.

Seriously though, when I read "flavour" my brain hears "flave-hour" ...on the other hand, I love color being spelled colour... it seems like it gives it more spirit... which colour should certainly have
Yes some look slightly strange and others are completely interchangeable in my mind, like color and colour. Mainly because the Colouring Crayons used colour. x)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I've made both!! some restaurants offer crips, i luv the lattice crisps mmm

Home made chips are bomb!! mm sea salt is key :) and a good deep fryer, also keep ur oil clean but old oil fries things better imo not sure why
Sometimes your use of the english language is too adorable. lmao Buttom?


Well-Known Member
Thick ones are for eating with lots of sauces and such, thin ones are to be covered in salt and eaten plane or maybe with a bit of ketchup. I say that like it's the standard, that' just how i do it :D You will be hard pressed to find ANY respectable resteraunt in the UK which serves fries instead of chips. Fries are deemd cheap and shit and to be had from greasy fast food places, chips are deemed awesome.
LOL... those are the same standards that America lives by, we just don't bother to name them different things. Generally if you go to a sit down restaurant and you order fries, you will get something close to what you call "chips". And if you go to fast food, always these so called "fries". I LOVE good fries though, and I don't think it's fair to call them lower quality necessarily. Good fries with salt alone can be fucking mind meltingly amazing.


Pickle Queen
I cook like a freakin' champ. I come from french canadian roots, my dear. ;) My mom's like a master chef for our personal enjoyment. She never really worked as one, though she did do beautiful wedding cakes for years. My Grandparents on that side are both incredible cooks too.
My john Deer apron is calling ur name ;)

My mom was not the best cook, i learned thru her failed attempts what NOT to do ;) rflmao

Damn luv ur even a canuck, well well well

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And i don't disagree, i personally prefere fries over chips, but few places do good fries, they focus on the chips.

And old oil makes things taste better because the odler it gets, the more flavour it get's impregnated with. Now if you wabnt some really good fries you gotta deep fry em in extra virgin olive oil :D Not the healhtiest dish in the world but damn it tasted good, and at £20 a liter for the oil it certainly should have :D

This just became an entire thread dedicated to the discussion of sliced potato :D


Well-Known Member
I prefer crunchy to soggy so let's go with fries... ;) Some 'chips' are crisp on the outside but never crunchy. =D
True that. Though some really well cooked "chips" can be amazing... if you deep fry them enough so that the outside is "crisp as a fry" but the inside is still moist, those are epic.

BTW, I was thinking tiptop, we basically call what you call chips "steak fries" and they are excellent with steak, heh.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
And i don't disagree, i personally prefere fries over chips, but few places do good fries, they focus on the chips.

And old oil makes things taste better because the odler it gets, the more flavour it get's impregnated with. Now if you wabnt some really good fries you gotta deep fry em in extra virgin olive oil :D Not the healhtiest dish in the world but damn it tasted good, and at £20 a liter for the oil it certainly should have :D

This just became an entire thread dedicated to the discussion of sliced potato :D
Oil that's nearly clear at the start should not be removed only when it turns black... lol But I guess even grease needs to be 'broken in' before it reaches its sweet spot.... lmao :D


Well-Known Member
My john Deer apron is calling ur name ;)

My mom was not the best cook, i learned thru her failed attempts what NOT to do ;) rflmao

Damn luv ur even a canuck, well well well
I am a horrible mutt mixbreed like most americans. ;) Part French Canadian, Part English, Part ummm.. god, I don't even remember. Let's see. Uh. Nope, I don't remember. Haha. I FEEL Irish a lot of the time, LOL. I think my grandmother was welsh. All over the place.

And I would totally rock a John Deer apron, lol.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
True that. Though some really well cooked "chips" can be amazing... if you deep fry them enough so that the outside is "crisp as a fry" but the inside is still moist, those are epic.

BTW, I was thinking tiptop, we basically call what you call chips "steak fries" and they are excellent with steak, heh.
Steak fries are just mini potato wedges, not quite 'chips'. 'Chips' in the US are just called 'thick cut' lol...

I guess Ore-Ida made a bastard spawn of 'chips' and dubbed them 'Steak Fries', sad.



Pickle Queen
I am a horrible mutt mixbreed like most americans. ;) Part French Canadian, Part English, Part ummm.. god, I don't even remember. Let's see. Uh. Nope, I don't remember. Haha. I FEEL Irish a lot of the time, LOL. I think my grandmother was welsh. All over the place.

And I would totally rock a John Deer apron, lol.

Damn it u belong in Canada, u fooled me good :) I think everyone at this point is a mutt, some more than others but is anyone really "pure" these days ;)