What's For Dinner Tonight?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
This a tell us what you're having for dinner tonight and not a show off your yummy dinner or troll for pity thread, of course, the other options are still perfectly acceptable. :)


Active Member
I had saddlebags at my local bar/restaurant. Baked potato cut in half, stuffed with pulled bbq chicken/pork. Would've tasted better if it wasn't for the full grown man having a nervous breakdown. Straight tears, eating next to a weeping man isn't enjoyable.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Why do people want to drink something that looks like piss. :p

I mean, I'll down a whole bottle in 3 seconds flat, alcohol is alcohol.... but, I like my red wines. =)


Well-Known Member
whats a good cheap not to cheap but not too expensive wine?

i had some mediteranian food and all there food has the same weird flavor. dont like it. dont know what it is.