here's a english muffin with yogurt butter, egg, turkey bacon, and a local cheese...It's a Buffalo Wing cheese...It's a new york cheddar with a cayenne based hot sauce in it...There are also habaneros and jalapenos in it....
Homefries are my latest ones...I sauted Pickled asparagus...The pickled asparagus comes in a jar with jalapeno, garlic, and dill so those impart some flavor to the asparagus...
Anyways, I also sauted an onion, and some kind of hot pepper(s)...Can't remember which ones I tossed in thi recipe...Could have been red roasted jalapenos, hot peppadews (which really are not hot), and/or some Thai peppers....
I saute in olive oil and salted butter...Then I add black pepper and lots of paprika, lol...At the end of cooking I now add diced pickled garlic...I use to cook the garlic in with the potatoes but I think you get more flavor by just adding them at the end...They are soft from the pickling so it works well....These oics show me throwing the garlic in early though....