What's fer lunch,,,,,


Well-Known Member
Funny you should say that. I made taco meat last night so I could fix me some tacos for lunch today. My niece brought us some fresh garden salsa (hotter than hell) and I want to try it with my tacos. Taco Bell is disgusting. I don't even know how they get by calling it "mexican food." Blech.
...I agree, I feel sick everytime I eat it, but it's like alcohol...I like the abuse
I don't think of it as Mexican food, I make some pretty killer mexican dishes, I love to cook....taco bell is just good quick munchie food crap, but I love it, even if the meat is made from powder shit in a bag...it tastes good for a while,about 25 minutes till I regret it..lol....but it's right next to the Dispensary...so....


Well-Known Member
Mighty Taco is awesome but they're not on the West Coast :( I'm going to check that out now though just to be sure.

Yeah I guess it's a NY thing :(