whats causing these "claws"


Active Member
i have this girl, this is day 7 of the switch to 12/12 under the hps. all my new growth is doing this, my nute mix is, 3 ml grow, 3 ml bloom per gal of clean water, water every other day, usually every 3rd as i water by weight, my temps are in the low 80's unfortuanatley, rh stays @ 27 % with maybe a 2 % fluctuation. any other info i can give to get a respone i will, View attachment 1402318View attachment 1402319View attachment 1402320View attachment 1402321


Active Member
the light is about 20 in from the top, also there are 2 other taller girls closer to light not doing this, how would i determine if its k or calcium? im in soil, 3 gal grow bags, all get same nutes @same time, where would the calcium come from as well? and why would this only affect the one girl?

crotch monger

Active Member
Consider getting that R.H. up in the 45-50% range. Your plants may be transpiring water too fast and causing them to absorb more nutrient than they need. Also, as mentioned above, try watering with straight water this next few times and even consider a foliar feed with just some super thrive (B vitamins) or something similar like thrive alive.


Active Member
ive got this clawing on 2 of my 6 plants in flower, the 2 wich have clawed are a bit more sativa than the other so im guesing thier more sensitive to nutrients, is THE CLAW unreversible?


Active Member
ive tried to raise my rh, but cant, put 3 gallon jugs of water in with em, , nothing helps, very frustrating. i usually give them a foliar feeding about 2 times a day, with a waterd down nute soultion, i use the nutes im going to water with, but only fill my spray bottle halfway, the rest of the way with more clean water. i checked my nutes, the ratio is grow 3-1-3, and the bloom is, 0-10-0. so i guess by mixing them my final mix is, 3-11-3? if i stop the grow, would that reduce the amount of k they are getting? well obviously it will, but will this be good for them? this is my first time ever using nutes, so im very afraid of messing up.


Well-Known Member
The claw is not 100% reversable, but its fixable. Despite your watering schedule, I still know your overwatering them. The foliar spray adds nutrients, and lets the plant take up less water. Ergo, your watering schedule is fine but your foliar is way too often.

Foliar spray at NIGHT, just before the lights go out. Once a day, no more. And use a foliar spray, not watered down nutrient solution. Plants dont absorb all the regular nutrients through foliar, only a select few are recommended and necessary.

http://www.humboldtnutrients.com/feeding-charts/foliar-charts/ <-- that is Humboldt Nutirents foliar spray chart. Theres also premixed foliar sprays most hydro shops sell. Any of them is fine.

Suggestions: Fix your foliar schedule and spray. Spray at lights out, once a day. Continue your normal watering schedule, since your foliar is fixed. Doing this will reverse the clawing, but it will only do it over a few weeks. You look for NEW growth to not have claws. Then you know its fixed. New growth is the most important aspect to watch for, dwelling on the older leaves that cant really just pop back into place now that they've grown a different shape will just make your head ache. :) New growth is what you want to watch.

Good lucK!!


Active Member
i use that chart lol. mine are humbolt, organic. i wasnt aware that i should spray only once a day, or that i should do i t before the lights go off. thanks kitty, i was glad when i saw you posted, i believe ive seen you on a few other posts as well, you always have good info to give. ill follow your advice. thanks.
o i dont have a foliar spray specificaLLY, since i dont, should i stop wiht the nute spray? and just use straight water? not gonna spray untill i get a response from ya,


Well-Known Member
i use that chart lol. mine are humbolt, organic. i wasnt aware that i should spray only once a day, or that i should do i t before the lights go off. thanks kitty, i was glad when i saw you posted, i believe ive seen you on a few other posts as well, you always have good info to give. ill follow your advice. thanks.
o i dont have a foliar spray specificaLLY, since i dont, should i stop wiht the nute spray? and just use straight water? not gonna spray untill i get a response from ya,
Straight water is fine for a foliar spray. The Humboldt Sticky is basically dish soap that's safe on plants to make the water stick to the plants longer for a longer benefit. It isnt necessary, but helpful I suppose. I bought a 2.5 gallon jug of it a week ago so it must be useful! :) Other than that, reference the Humboldt Nutrients Foliar Chart and see what they add and why......... The sea cal / sea mag is just cal-mag. If your using tap water, you wont need it. Ginormous is a bloom booster, and Verde is seaweed extract. Notice that there isnt really any nitrogen in there. Its because Foliars are meant to aid in the plants overall health, not making them super tall or grow 'faster'.

Consider a foliar spray, properly balanced, a supplement to the plants, a vitamin per say that just makes sure its "topped off".

Note: No H2O2 should be used in a Foliar spray. The plant needs CO2 to make O2, so giving it more O2 in liquid format will just piss it off. ;)