New Member
i got 2 desk top computers in front of me..had a lap top but my dog knocked off the table....
fucking animals
i got 2 desk top computers in front of me..had a lap top but my dog knocked off the table....
just 3 months no other pussy probationthought you were on 3 months probation..
3 months aint shit..dont get caught with any other gals...just 3 months no other pussy probation
imposed by my gf
fucking sucks
that would be fighting words in my country...thank god were not in my country...rawbudzski u steal marijuana?
that would be fighting words in my country...thank god were not in my country...
i agree dont accuse without proof..he must of upset the guy in one of his many post...shit i dont care what country thats wrong
and i hope he has proof because that us a strong statement to make here
can u back it up
havent tried it..but it looks good..marijuana is something i cherish, rawbudzski's and the rest of you also cherish it.
My question to you is... Have you ever smoked jillybean?
no i havent tried subcools gear yet but leaning that wayhavent tried it..but it looks good..
to many different strains to try and grow ..no i havent tried subcools gear yet but leaning that way
hey raw whats the deal with this guy
old friend?
wonder where op wentto many different strains to try and grow ..