What's better for increasing yield -- topping or LST?


I'm thinking LST might be better, since it's probably lower stress than topping (ie. less chance of killing your plants by cutting on them). Then again, I have no experience with either...

Anybody know?

Also, how early can you do either of these techniques? My plants are basically fledglings so I plan to wait a while. ...Yet on the other hand, I want to keep them small (with as big a yield as possible!). :mrgreen:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It depends on the strain. That's all that can be said.

And no, you will not kill your plant by cutting a branch off. I let mine grow about 4 or 5 nodes, maybe 15cm tall before i top them, i've not tried doing it earlier so can't comment on how the plants fare.


Active Member
I top my kush twice and get a bush with 12 main colas, all big. Im relatively new but I tried this with my first grow and its work like a charm ever since. My plants are 2 1/2 foot squared and about two foot tall bushes. You will have to run a screen or tie down the branches to get an even canopy if you top twice. Good luck hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
Neither of them directly will increase yield, they can be used to give a more even canopy which can lead to better yields but it's not guaranteed.


Well-Known Member
In my tests they were about equal.
I use topping more now days cause it's easier.

The main way they get me more yield is the longer veg time.
For example when I went 12/12 from seed I tried LST VS topping VS natural.
The natural plant yielded the most.
But if I train the plant low an veg for 2 months an flower it allows alot more buds to be grown in my small space.