Whats been your largest succesful plot?

be ez

Well-Known Member
Just something I've been thinking about recently... I usually go with the no more than 20 concept but I know some people have gone much larger and had success. If you feel you have a bullet proof location what is most you would put out and how many plants have you actually ever succesfully finished at a single spot?


Well-Known Member
Ive done 15 monster's in one spot. It went good but water was a issue as the summer went on and the water table dropped.
This year im putting out 25 plants divided between two spots. With my job and family, I think 25 is about as many as I can care for properly.


Well-Known Member
Last year I did 5 sites with 3-5 per site and the year before it was 2 per site and three sites, the sites which have never been visited for two years will likely see 10-15 per this year.


Active Member
Had a guerilla grow unlike any other couple years ago. Did 35 in an area (2 spots) with heavy air, land and water traffic. It was pure bluff as there's no way anyone would ever thought that someone can be crazy enough to grow dope there.


Well-Known Member
had 150 lowryders plugged into a river bank , perfect set up , couldnt go wrong , the river never ever floods and its 8 foot up anyway so ............... wrong ............ highest floods in the uk ever , 12 fuckin foot and lasted for weeks , the plants got sucked out , shit

at the same time

its ok about the lows as ive got 200 A11 F3`s from brothers grimm , into a wood and whats this an area recently logged about 5 yrs before with fresh trees planted to about 3-4 foot , the soils good , i cant go wrong ............ wrong ............ firs grew like a bastard letting no light get to my babys and this was after the entire planets rabbits and deer had been chewing to there hearts content on my babys , shit

best place ? its split into 2 by the natural plants , 1 side i get upto 12 in and the other 6 , its in a ticket on a hill side obscured but not far from a path thats used quite a bit , never lost a plant due to rippers and only via drought

be ez

Well-Known Member
Ive done 15 monster's in one spot. It went good but water was a issue as the summer went on and the water table dropped.
This year im putting out 25 plants divided between two spots. With my job and family, I think 25 is about as many as I can care for properly.
haha when I first read this I thought you meant 2 plots of 25 which was exactly what I was thinking about doing this year.... almost got to pull out the good ole 'great minds think alike' cliché :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha when I first read this I thought you meant 2 plots of 25 which was exactly what I was thinking about doing this year.... almost got to pull out the good ole 'great minds think alike' cliché :eyesmoke:
You actually had me thinking that 2 plots of 25 wouldn't be so bad fo a minute there, but talked myself out of it.
Ive already got all 25 of mine going indoors. There gonna be some beasts

be ez

Well-Known Member
Damn Tycoon you got some serious bushes growing back there!!! Are all those legal?

You actually had me thinking that 2 plots of 25 wouldn't be so bad fo a minute there, but talked myself out of it.
Ive already got all 25 of mine going indoors. There gonna be some beasts
I'd probably run half as many too if I started them this early but I'm not down to be hauling 2 footers out to my spots haha
I think 50 started mid april should give me a nice little harvest and I'm looking at setting up a good drip irrigation system so hopefully it'll work out well with not much more effort.


Well-Known Member
I had a pretty big plant number plot, but I am not sure if you can call it very successful lol. It was all the left over clones after I had finished planting. I had no intentions of really using them because they were in such bad shape but I decided to stick them all in one plot thinking what the hell. They were broken stems, chewed up leafs, yellowing and overall not in very good shape. I stuck a total of 80 small clones in a 10x10 foot plot, quite close together as it was late in the season, with flowering season fast approaching. I got like one nice top bud per plant and yielded about 6 ounces, but that's better then if I would have just thrown them away.