Whats a "mark"?


Well-Known Member
i just read another thread and people kept referring to someone as a "mark". i never heard this. is this some sort of new lingo im just now hearing? Im guessing if someone says your a mark, that means your an idiot??
i knew a guy back in school who was named Mark, well.. I didnt know him BUT a friend of a friend for sure did, THAT must count for something hahaah

we all could be concidered one i imagine bongsmilie
hmm, we never use mark where im from.

but another great word is knock. started with all those people who thizzed, then it expanded to cover all tweakerish, desperate drug users.
never heard of a "knock" as in that persons a knock? or their knocked up? Im from cali, I dont use words I just use my middle finger
lol there you go. its a central CA thing, i think. or maybe the bay and the central valley.
mark, for ex i say "your a mark ass nigga" in other words "ur a hoe ass nigga" fraud,snitch,bitch nigga.

that reminds me of "Dont be a menace" loc dog...you lil mark ass trick! lol i remember now. When i heard it mentioned earlier, it wasnt said in a ghetto tone so i didnt recognize it i guess. they said it like "oh dude, your a mark for sure."
So back in the days of traveling carnivals what the carnival company would do is have the person who handles admissions sit in a booth well above the customers. This person could easily see how much money the customer had when they opened their wallet. When they would notice a person with a lot of money they would indicate to another employee in the crowd who would then mark the person jacket with chalk. The other employees inside the carnival knew to target the people with a "mark".
A 'mark' is the target or a sucker in another context, as their disposition would make them an approptiate target. It is common for a criminals to use this term, which lead to it filtering into colloqialism.

It's also used in sports, where one has to 'mark' another player, obstructing them.