whats a good soil that has nutrients in it that you can find at a usa nursery?


Active Member
i live in uk but i know theres a a lot of soils over there like.
fox farm
miracle grow
but it would proberly be better to use un fertilized soils apart from the fox farm as i have heard nothing but good things about it.
but i use canna coco pro plus


Active Member
i live in uk but i know theres a a lot of soils over there like.
fox farm
miracle grow
but it would proberly be better to use un fertilized soils apart from the fox farm as i have heard nothing but good things about it.
but i use canna coco pro plus
You DONT EVER want to use miracle grow. and you also wanna be careful as to what is all in the soil. miracle grow has way too many chemicals in it, making the weed just as, if not more, harmful than cigarettes! I would definitely go for soil that specifies it is organic..


New Member
You DONT EVER want to use miracle grow. and you also wanna be careful as to what is all in the soil. miracle grow has way too many chemicals in it, making the weed just as, if not more, harmful than cigarettes! I would definitely go for soil that specifies it is organic..
ok il try the fox farm if i can find it but if not whats alil better soil that works real well?


Well-Known Member
ok il try the fox farm if i can find it but if not whats alil better soil that works real well?
E.B. Stone Organics makes a good line of organic soils that are sold in the US (at least California anyway). I've had good experience with that line. You can and should also add some other sources of nutrients to whatever mix you get like worm castings, bat guanno, peat moss ect. You also might want to add some corase ingredients too if the mix is too dense like some perlite or vermiculite. A good way to tell if it needs some corase stuff is to lightly-wet the mix, take a handfull of it and squeeze it. When you open your hand, if the ball of soil sticks together and doesnt crumble easily it needs some perlite or vermiculite to loosen it up. Keep adding those little by little until when you squeeze the ball of soil it falls apart when you open your hand. Good luck!


welfare train

Active Member
If you are careful with nutes and flush your plant well before harvest then Miracle Grow is fine. I don't know why so many people get there panties in a bunch over it. It isn't the best but if used correctly it can grow some nice bud.