what's a good low riding strain?


Active Member
I'm looking for a short, high yielding, low odor plant for a sog grow under cfl and there are quite a few choices. Just thought I'd ask what you folks have tried and reccomend. . . the odors not that big of an issue but I don't want something that will make my whole flat smell.

Illegal Smile

1. any plant can be kept short
2. small plants have small yields
3. while some might smell a little more, they all smell


anything thats indaca well be shorter and bushyer but indaca useally is the realy strong smelling buds ie hash plant ect


Well-Known Member
i would check out nircana seed shop im sure u have seen the ads on here. check nirvana seed bank. Im sure u have seen the ad's on here. the have a seed called AK-48.it the plant i want to start my grow with.i have asked around and from what i hear they are great to start with. it a short,very forgiving plant,with big yields :) im not sure about the smell i do know that all plants have a smell you can get around it. just make sure have away to let the air out with out smelling up the street. we wouldnt want the cop smelling you flat out. :P