whats a good easy method for drying an curing?

Nick nack

i just cut down the plant an now its hangin on a fishin line dryin how long should i let it dry when should i start curing an how would i do that? whats the best possible curing process


Active Member
Cut -> Either hang or put on a screen in a dark cool , low RH area for (I would say) AT LEAST 5 days. Check daily to make sure they are not molding. If you choose screen, rotate every so often. Once dried to your liking, put in canning or mason jar and store in cool dark place again, burping every-so-often.

Hope this helps.


New Member
40 dollar bud dryer.. search it here. It works great.. 3-4 days and you put em in mason jars for curing for week burping.. then done.


Active Member
depending on the size of ur colas if they are more on the airy side then 3 days and if they are good size then 5 days