What's a girl to do?


Well-Known Member
I think I am going to lose my whole Green Ribbon. Effing sucks. It has just about everything you could think of wrong with it. Worms - check. White flies - check. Little yellow larvae - check. Little black larvae - check. And black spots on leaves -
ch- m effing -eck. WTF?!?! Can I just make hash out of the whole thing still? Or is it a total loss? Anyone? I wouldn't mind an ass load of 100% sativa hash. Nope not at all.




Active Member
you can wash everything in a light hydrogen peroxide water bath then dry it and wahla it works for mold also you could make real killer honey oil from the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
its not a total loss.you could water cure a mak said or make butane honey oil or hash.next time get some neem oil or caterpillar killer.ask what you need at you local hydroponic store.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I have used neem, bt, and a few other things. It just keeps getting worse. I know she is not smokable, I just don't want a total loss. As long as I can still make something with her, it'll be alright.


Well-Known Member
yea, butter or butane extract would be the only 2 things it's prolly good for. I would definitly wash it good with H2O2 and water and rinse thoroughly. Then you could make butter ir hash.