What's a deal breaker for you?

The awful inflection at the end of each word and overly dramatic enthusiasm! Drives me NUTS!

"OMG! It was SO great to see you! I'll talk to you soon!"

It seems impossible to actually type out the inflection, it's a mix between valley girl, latina, and white girl.. An ex does it perfectly annoyingly, and my older sister has it down to perfection! When she's talking to her friends (99% Mexican), she uses it, but when she's talking to me, it's GONE! I can't stand how she changes her personality for her friends just to be accepted.. Unbelievably weird, trust me..

The friend is just as bad, when she's around dumbasses, she acts and speaks like a dumbass, seemingly just to fit in. She says it's 'normal', but these people kick her to the curb at a moments notice, they don't really seem like her friends at all.. "Drama" is absolutely prevalent in this situation.

Pushup bra's.. 100% deceptive.

Too much perfume. Bitch, I don't want to be suffocated!

Country music. Take your twang elsewhere.

Generally religious people. If you believe that, what else will you believe...?

People who've just gotten out of an abusive relationship, dafuq?

People who are unable to be independent and rely on dependency to be happy.

People who play stupid games "What are you doing?" "oh nothing, just out with some people.." "oh yeah? What people?" "just some friends..." "..."

People who are too old to change and too stupid to understand why...

Smokers, dafuq?

People who hold sex in untouchable regard, yet tempt you endlessly. Fuck you.

If you work for a telemarketer. Kill yourself.

Mall "cops"..

Fucks who take the law into their own hands based on emotion, especially when they're 'guarding' something worth less than their weekly paycheck. Do they wish to be killed for as little as an illegal drink being brought into the venue?! C'mon idiots..

If a dealer gives me sub par product, definite deal breaker. Have had some dummies call me back proclaiming superior product. Too bad, dick, you got my $60 for that 1/8th you scammed me on?

Idiot females who demand things when they don't deserve them..


Swearing in public and not giving a fuck about it. Classy!

As much as a vagina is a deal breaker for you...penis is for heterosexual men. So yes, penis is a deal breaker for me.

It has been my experience over these looong years that alcohol has a way of renegotiating deals. ;)

Of course I'm not saying I've ever taken advantage of drunken advances. A long life of experience has taught me there are no absolutes.
It has been my experience over these looong years that alcohol has a way of renegotiating deals. ;)

Of course I'm not saying I've ever taken advantage of drunken advances. A long life of drinking vodka has taught me there are no Absoluts.

First straight line of the day, served straight. ~double giggle~ Life is good. cn
I don't know if this is a deal breaker thats been brought up yet but here's a big one for me.
Sitting down and having that first morning shit you know the best part of the day, one of the
best feelings you get, man nothing like that first shit in the morning to set the pace for a fine day.
To reach for the TP and theres like 1 wrap left on the roll, fer cripes sake who the hell can get a
good wipe with 2 squares and the tattered end???
Then I calls to the wife to fetch me a roll, do you think she can hear me? Hell no she's daft in one ear and sleeps
on her good one. So I kinda do a combination squat/walk not to stand up and try my best not to flex the ass cheeks
and make a bigger mess to clean. I get to the water closet and look..... No TP!!
That can put a twist in your shorts and just ruin the start of what could have been a great day.
It has been my experience over these looong years that alcohol has a way of renegotiating deals. ;)

Of course I'm not saying I've ever taken advantage of drunken advances. A long life of experience has taught me there are no absolutes.

In las Vegas, hobos make over 70 grand a year... Drunk people are awesome
I don't know if this is a deal breaker thats been brought up yet but here's a big one for me.
Sitting down and having that first morning shit you know the best part of the day, one of the
best feelings you get, man nothing like that first shit in the morning to set the pace for a fine day.
To reach for the TP and theres like 1 wrap left on the roll, fer cripes sake who the hell can get a
good wipe with 2 squares and the tattered end???
Then I calls to the wife to fetch me a roll, do you think she can hear me? Hell no she's daft in one ear and sleeps
on her good one. So I kinda do a combination squat/walk not to stand up and try my best not to flex the ass cheeks
and make a bigger mess to clean. I get to the water closet and look..... No TP!!
That can put a twist in your shorts and just ruin the start of what could have been a great day.

Or! Running to the bathroom because you gotta take a major shit!! Turtle head poking out and everything, and someone in the bathroom!! So you wait, they brush there teeth... Still waiting.. There jump in the shower, still waiting banging on the door fucking pissed... Then they put on there make up... Come on woman!! I got business to take care of!!!! Then you jump in there full of relief.. And as your shitting.. There no tp!!! Fuck it I wipe my ass with bathroom towels. Fuck being a man and using my hand

Major fuckin deal breaker.. And a ball buster for sure
I don't know if this is a deal breaker thats been brought up yet but here's a big one for me.
Sitting down and having that first morning shit you know the best part of the day, one of the
best feelings you get, man nothing like that first shit in the morning to set the pace for a fine day.
To reach for the TP and theres like 1 wrap left on the roll, fer cripes sake who the hell can get a
good wipe with 2 squares and the tattered end???
Then I calls to the wife to fetch me a roll, do you think she can hear me? Hell no she's daft in one ear and sleeps
on her good one. So I kinda do a combination squat/walk not to stand up and try my best not to flex the ass cheeks
and make a bigger mess to clean. I get to the water closet and look..... No TP!!
That can put a twist in your shorts and just ruin the start of what could have been a great day.
Lmao, I call that the crab walk.
Lmao, I call that the crab walk.

We call that toast up.

I don't know if anyone else finds this to be a deal breaker but if she has a penis then the deal is broken.