What's a cool thing to have?


Well-Known Member
I have a little amount of extra cash and want to buy something I would normally hold off on because I typically just have enough extra cash to spend on weed, food and at bars/clubs.

I pretty much just have an iPad mini, an iPhone and the only game I have is San Andreas. As far as clothing I have 5 or 6 shirts, 3 jeans and a pair of shoes.

I was thinking of either gettimg a new wardrobe, a ps4 or Xbox, a MacBook, or just keeping it for the usually stuff.

What are your suggestions?
A couple hookers is always fun.
Could buy a kayak, they seem to be popular.
A mossburg shot gun and some shells.
A high point pistol.
Bowling ball and shoes
A kinda ok outdoor table set
Reloading equipment
A few bottles of bourbon
Everything you need to grow shrooms
A couple car parts
New flat screen tv
Some nice plates and silverware
A weekend camping trip
Lap top computer
Give it to a church to buy God's love
Plasma ball
Paint your bed room
Buy a nice comforter set for your bed
Could buy a dog

There is a bunch of shit you can buy with a few hundred.
apparently a big hairy dick is quite sought after.........

let's go with................ UVb LEDs

theyre ONLY 100-200$ per watt
