Whats a better purchase


Hey guys/gals,

So I listed another day some equipment I have. I was looking for help in the best way to use the lights I have with the hydro and aero units I have.

TAke a look at the lost and tell me if another light 400 watt would be better either hps or mh or I should invest in a CO2 unit. I saw one from Hydrofarm that isnt expensive, $111.97 or something to that degree.

3bb and flow table with 21 site, and 27 gal res
rainforest 318 aeroponic unit

400 watt mh/hps
4 224 LED panels
2 150 watt CFL

So, how could I combine them squeezing out the best combo. The LED's were just so damn cheap I figured wtf. But now I am thinking that I should have gotten another light. So instead of getting the next thing, CO2 enrichment should I get another light and wait another month the CO2.



Me again....

Just a thought, dont worry about Co2 ( thought it can be AWESOME to introduce to your ladies) until you are well on your way to overcomming the obsticles you already have. Wait until you get your setup down and have a few runs, then introduce, otherwise therre are just too many variables to know whats changing what..


Hmm, Tha makes perfect sense now that I stand away from it for a sec and look at the whole pic. Moving indoors is waaaay dif than doing it ourdoors. Much more lee-way and give outside than insides in water or aero. I might even try and do soil inside. If I don't seem to find the groove.
