Whats a bad trip even like?


Well-Known Member
Most of you having bad trips is due to your lack of pre-flight maintenance. If you don't know the area or the people you are around, then you are asking for it.


Well-Known Member
The only bad trip i've experienced was basically just a panic attack from hell. I probably lost 5 pounds just sweating....

One of the thoughts I had during that 2 hour period was when I noticed a screwdriver on the ground and I thought "I can stab myself with that and this will all end..."

The panic attack was induced when I was left alone...I started to think about EVERY person I had ever wronged and all the bad things i've done. It really got to my head....

The bad trip was very positive for me though...it made me analyze things I had been bottling up, and after the trip was over I felt so fresh and free of the anxieties that had haunted me before. If that makes any sense.... :dunce:


New Member
I have been enraptured in catatonic despair that lasted several years from a bad LSD trip. When I see how the world could have been if we all loved one another and lived in peace contrasted against the backdrop of the current world I really freakin lost it.
It took me a long time to come to terms with it. I still see the abomination that is modern life, I see it every day. But, I have learned to deal with it.
I have not taken any hallucinogen since then, now 20 years later I do desire to consume peyote again (see if I can puke out my demons again) but the opportunity hasn't arisen.

Some people take drugs and get high, Some people take drugs and the universe unfolds before them..... I am the latter.
To the OP asking about whether or not bad trips are really real...please listen to the posters that talk about state of mind, environment, and someone on here that described a breakthrough. You sound very sure of yourself, which I am sure that you are. Meaning, I believe you do take all the right precautions, and you are level headed, and you understand the drug and what to expect. HOWEVER, there may or may not come a time where you will push it a little further maybe, or get something that is UNEXPECTED, and when that happens, I hope that you can deal with the unexpected. For me, that is what got me. When I had a trip that was very different from any other I had previously had, it set things in motion to spiral out of my control. I was cocky and EXPECTED to be able to manage my own thoughts like in the past. When the extreme sweating kicked in, and I noticed a loof of terror and concern in my friends' eyes, it got even worse. I learned a lot that night about myself and the world that night. I am glad that I had that trip, but I do not wish to go through it again. A lot of my priorites changed in life, I was humbled, and I still see the world differently to this day. It wasn't like an episode of alcohol poisioning or a bad hangover where you just wish you could stop spinning, a bad trip is very benficial, you will most likely come out of it for the better, if you don't end up hurting yourself or those around you. Peace and good luck!
The only bad trip i've experienced was basically just a panic attack from hell. I probably lost 5 pounds just sweating....

One of the thoughts I had during that 2 hour period was when I noticed a screwdriver on the ground and I thought "I can stab myself with that and this will all end..."

The panic attack was induced when I was left alone...I started to think about EVERY person I had ever wronged and all the bad things i've done. It really got to my head....

The bad trip was very positive for me though...it made me analyze things I had been bottling up, and after the trip was over I felt so fresh and free of the anxieties that had haunted me before. If that makes any sense.... :dunce:

Very similar to my bad trip, except I was sure what I had taken was going to kill me. So I thought I was already on my way to death. I called everyone in my phone and said sorry and goodbye, I admited a lot of wrongdoings, confessed a lot of things to people, and admited some of my deepest secrets. Those things I still have to deal with today, but on one hand the guilt that wieighed me down during my trip is something that I don't neccessarily have to deal with today. So out of it came some very positive things.