whatg is wrong with my plants i also have pics!!


Well-Known Member
400 watt hps
temps around 81
33% hum
all organic
week five flowering
6.8 ph

and why are some plants getting more affected than others while they are all receiving the same nutes and everything

and i have not flushed yet but how should i go about flushing?

do i just take them to my bath tub and start pouring water down their pots?

or do i ph the water first i have no clue



Active Member
trim those bottom leaves that are completely dead try to get you humidity to around 45-50 to flower that will help the leaves not be "crunchy"


Well-Known Member
What do you mean how should you go about flushing? Its not that hard.

Step 1. Add water.
Step 2. Add more water.


I dont get what youre confused about.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
TTG... is that soil or a soilless medium like coco? If it's soilless then your ph is too high and likely causing nute lockout. Soilless medium likes the PH range closer to hydro. You should shoot for 6.0.

Flushing is generally 3 times the pot size of PH corrected water with no nutes. So yes, you have to adjust the PH before you flush. Make sure you have really good drainage so you don't drown the roots. After the flush run a small amount of mild water/nute solution (ph corrected of course). Small amount as in what you would normally water with and mild being somewhere around 10% - 20% of the PPM they are currently at.

The bottom line with hydro and soilless is no water goes in ever that hasn't been PH corrected.

Now... if it's soil then I can't really help you there....sorry

One last thing... it's perfectly normal for leaves to yellow up during the last half of flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
a properly flowerd plant when completed, looks anything but photogenic... maybe a repot with a little more soil, less nutes..


Junior Creatologist
I would think spraying some of those leaves with a epsoms salt/water solution would stop the progression of the leaf crispiness. N i gotta say man, you got one hell of a nice grow goin on.




Well-Known Member
Can you give me one reason that makes sense why you WOULDNT pH th water?

I know what you're saying bro... this is a ridiculous question. Why would anyone think that NOT pH-adjusting their water is the appropriate course of action? If you have a choice between measuring and balancing the pH, and NOT measuring and adjusting the pH of the water, what does common sense tell you? Duh.


Well-Known Member
After you flush, wait however long it is you wait between feedings before nuting again. If you feed once a week, wait a week before continuing nutes. The yellow leaves will not recover, they will probably die and fall off- dont be alarmed by this.


Well-Known Member
After you flush, wait however long it is you wait between feedings before nuting again. If you feed once a week, wait a week before continuing nutes. The yellow leaves will not recover, they will probably die and fall off- dont be alarmed by this.
thanx i appreciate it ill get on it


Well-Known Member
looks good thow but the ph should be a lil higher for org grow >_<
Higher than 6.8? No sir, you are mistaken. The ideal pH range for a soil-based grow is 6.3-6.5. Even at 6.8 he's running a little on the high side. Any higher and he risks nutrient lockout.