what yield should i be expecting?


Active Member

Can someone please tell me what type of yield i should be expecting on these plants?

I have a couple that are a lot bigger but i was hoping these ones would get a good bit lol. Im a beginner so i really don't know what to expect. I grew them inside til they were about 6 inches in late may and then i put them outside in early june. They area about 1 1/2 ft to 2ft tall. Please give me yours opinions, thanks.


Active Member
well theyre supposed to get bigger when they flower. sometimes like double or more. so idk they look nice though


Active Member
thanks man, i just wish i knew how much i was gonna get haha but i seen people were puttin out clones so i was hoping these would be alright.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
what strain are they ? some strains are indoor specific, some outdoor ..

If I grew soil indoors (3 plants), with a 600 w MH, Id hope for at least 100 grams dried per plant.

Outdoors, its hard to tell, as long as the area is safe, and rodents don't eat your plants, you should be fine.

Great start though :eyesmoke:


Active Member
They are snow white and ak 48 from nirvana. I got them in the outdoor section so i hope im good. But yeah they're outside and the first ones sw, 2nd and 3rd r ak48. And thanks i really hope they do good haha.


Active Member
im not so sure ten or twelve pounds is too realistic. the plant would have to be way bigger than those. they look like they would give him 2 or 3 ounces maybe more


Active Member
yeah i agree with 2, 3 ounces thats what i was atleast hoping for lol. i dont think they're gonna get that big.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am sorry. I am just sick of the what is my yeild gonna be questions. Nobody has any idea what yeild is gonna be when you state that you are a new grower, you dont mention strain or nutes or any other pertinent info. Anyone that answers this type of question is picking any old # because they have no idea either.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
ditto, 3-4 oz dried is a good yield, and not forgetting the weed looses 75% of its weight drying, that's 12-14 oz wet ..


Active Member
i know it's not recommended but i use miracle grow ha. Just gonna do a little flush a week ahead of harvest. Feed it a table spoon in a bottle of water every two weeks. I know experienced growers don't use miracle grow but i know people who have grown some real big plants tasted good and got me blazed lol so i really don't care.


Active Member
Yeah I am sorry. I am just sick of the what is my yeild gonna be questions. Nobody has any idea what yeild is gonna be when you state that you are a new grower, you dont mention strain or nutes or any other pertinent info. Anyone that answers this type of question is picking any old # because they have no idea either.
Thats why he was asking for your opinion not sarcastic bullshit, dick head. It will be what it will be.GL


Well-Known Member
Not to be mean but this post is pointless until you start to get some Buds on those girls. Good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
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Can someone please tell me what type of yield i should be expecting on these plants?

I have a couple that are a lot bigger but i was hoping these ones would get a good bit lol. Im a beginner so i really don't know what to expect. I grew them inside til they were about 6 inches in late may and then i put them outside in early june. They area about 1 1/2 ft to 2ft tall. Please give me yours opinions, thanks.
You should expect to get nothing, and strive to get everything. Either way you should be happy to get anything at all ;)


Well-Known Member
Well seriously dude. Who has any clue whatsoever what an unknown strain is gonna do in an unknown location grown by someone who doesn't know much about growing. That's like asking how many homeruns is the 2nd baseman for the cubs gonna hit in 2017. There is no way of forming an opinion worth a shit to this question and it is the same question that gets asked by almost every noob on here and every one of them gets about the same answer and if you are so amped up to get to the end results instead of spending time learning shit that will help your grow then you will probably chop to early and end up with a little bit of shitty weed any way. Its a fact and I am sorry if you don't like it.


Active Member
dude your dumb i didnt say anything about not liking anything, why even waste your time responding to anything if you don't like what im saying, theres a million other posts. i do spend time trying to learn more that's why i ask questions. I know a lot more than someone who doesn't know anything, and i have a 420scope, when the thc glands are halfway amber and halfway light that's the perfect time for harvest. I know that much, i don't think ill have that problem.


Well-Known Member
I wasnt bustin your balls just commenting on how ridiculous the what do you think my yield will be questions are. I am not saying I am better than you or I know more and your mom may be able to beat up my mom. Just the question has no legitimate answer other than nobody knows.