What yield on 21 plants, soil, 3 x 600w HPS indoor tent grow?

max green

not so much, if u throw a pic up idc, its the i have, X amount of plants this tall and this wide, blah blah blah, its pretty much useless info. theres no magic yield equation to punch those numbers in and get a result. i agree with whoever said to go through with the grow, and see for urself how much u get, and thats a good bases to learn what a certain sized plant will yield in future grow. without pics, even with them most of the time, ur gonna have a whole range of guesses. person A said 1 oz per, while person B is saying 4 oz per,major difference between final yield. if u cant guess the yield urself, these folks over the computer screen certainly cant.
A rough idea is good, your not going to get taken to court if you dont give an exact answer, Yes someone said at least 1 ounce per plant so we know that there should be that per plant under optimum conditions and if you get more that you get the better for you, followed by experienced growers under the right climate can get upto 3 or even 4 ounces per plant but you do need to veg longer. An opinion was asked for not an exact calculation. I can sure guess..... which i have but other peoples opinions would give me a better idea!!!!!

Remember if you dont give bullshit answers I will take it on board what people have to say and compare it to what i was thinking. People who have tried to answer with their ideas has been helpful. Some tossers just turn a question into a question or want to comment on how a question is asked, If you dont like the question dont answer or comment on it, ignore it then, but then there are some twats who just feel they cant keep their negative shitty comments to themselves like earlier on this thread!!!!!!