What yield on 21 plants, soil, 3 x 600w HPS indoor tent grow?

max green

The question is in the heading, What would the yield on 20 ish plants of g13 haze for example which would be grown indoor and under 3 600w hps lights and grown from seed in soil?

Any positive feedback would be most welcome and thanks in advance:leaf:


Well-Known Member
HUGE Qestion that mate lol :D say you hit 2-3 onzes a plant , Could be as low as 20 oz which i doubt very much and your a complete dumb ass who hasnt got a clue , anything between 40-60 oz's i would try and achieve i know people who wouldnt be happy with that , How much room you got and thought about ventalation ~?

max green

HUGE Qestion that mate lol :D say you hit 2-3 onzes a plant , Could be as low as 20 oz which i doubt very much and your a complete dumb ass who hasnt got a clue , anything between 40-60 oz's i would try and achieve i know people who wouldnt be happy with that , How much room you got and thought about ventalation ~?

small room 3m x 3m, as for venting will be small window and a big ass carbon filter venting out. Peace


Well-Known Member
Orite max give me some details what your thinking about buddy what equipment and that ill try and help as much as i can .


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was no details at all.I'm trying to grow 16 OG #18 plants using 400w MH until flowering and 400w HPS for flowering 12/12 from seed in 1 meter squared.How much would i yeild?

Dice Clay

Active Member
Yeah it was no details at all.I'm trying to grow 16 OG #18 plants using 400w MH until flowering and 400w HPS for flowering 12/12 from seed in 1 meter squared.How much would i yeild?
Again it is a difficult question to answer due to all the variables. In my experience.... first time growers (regardless of light size) seem to pull from 1 oz to 1.5 oz's per plant for the first 2 or 3 harvests, until they get their grow stabilized. More experienced growers will harvest at least 2.5 oz. off of 1 plant, and up to and above 4 oz's for well vegged plants in soil. Hydro produces MUCH more and the numbers go up quite a bit. I would be happy with the 1.5 per plant number for my first plants... that is with about 1.5-2 months of true veg time.


Well-Known Member
i know growers that really know what they are doing with hydro and only get between 1/2 3/4 of a pound per 1000 watt light. Ive also heard of and seen people pull way more than that. I would say a good average for a good grower would be around .5 grams per watt, and if your just starting probably closer to .25 grams per watt.


Well-Known Member
Again it is a difficult question to answer due to all the variables. In my experience.... first time growers (regardless of light size) seem to pull from 1 oz to 1.5 oz's per plant for the first 2 or 3 harvests, until they get their grow stabilized. More experienced growers will harvest at least 2.5 oz. off of 1 plant, and up to and above 4 oz's for well vegged plants in soil. Hydro produces MUCH more and the numbers go up quite a bit. I would be happy with the 1.5 per plant number for my first plants... that is with about 1.5-2 months of true veg time.
I gave enough details it's 12/12 from seed do u want to know the size pots too(1 gal)


Well-Known Member
Again it is a difficult question to answer due to all the variables. In my experience.... first time growers (regardless of light size) seem to pull from 1 oz to 1.5 oz's per plant for the first 2 or 3 harvests, until they get their grow stabilized. More experienced growers will harvest at least 2.5 oz. off of 1 plant, and up to and above 4 oz's for well vegged plants in soil. Hydro produces MUCH more and the numbers go up quite a bit. I would be happy with the 1.5 per plant number for my first plants... that is with about 1.5-2 months of true veg time.
Oh and hydro don't produce more bud all the time some strains will beat hyrdo in soil all year hands down.


Well-Known Member
I get around 12 onces per 600 watt light. Plants grown in 11 litre pots, 50/50 soil perlite with hydroclay in the bottom for good drainage. Organic nutes and all that crap. Sometimes i get a little more. Hope that give ya a little something to go on. Oh and good ventilation is a MUST. High temps are bad for production.


Well-Known Member
I get around 12 onces per 600 watt light. Plants grown in 11 litre pots, 50/50 soil perlite with hydroclay in the bottom for good drainage. Organic nutes and all that crap. Sometimes i get a little more. Hope that give ya a little something to go on. Oh and good ventilation is a MUST. High temps are bad for production.
How mnay plants you running under each 600w ?


Well-Known Member
6 in total, sorry important info right there
I only run 1 600. You can put an extra 3 inbetween light spreads to increase your yield. With 3 lights you can have an extra 6 plants. good plant rotations a good policy as well.


Well-Known Member
Really... in my experience hydro growth and production beats soil hands down.... not quality just quantity
Actually hydro grows faster but a lot of kush strains taste better in soil, and growing out doors most haze plants you will yield way more than any hydro can do,indoors on the other hand indoors hydro wins in a lot of aspects because most indoor soil based plants have root restrictions.That means i would have to use 10 gallons of soil vs 5 gallons of water in a reservoir.To put it simply roots are much freer in hydro than soil indoors,but outside there are no boundaries.

Dice Clay

Active Member
Actually hydro grows faster but a lot of kush strains taste better in soil, and growing out doors most haze plants you will yield way more than any hydro can do,indoors on the other hand indoors hydro wins in a lot of aspects because most indoor soil based plants have root restrictions.That means i would have to use 10 gallons of soil vs 5 gallons of water in a reservoir.To put it simply roots are much freer in hydro than soil indoors,but outside there are no boundaries.

you are agreeing with me but trying to disagree.... we werent talking about outdoor... we were talking about indoor..and again hydro beats soil as far as yield every time.. i dont grow hydro because i prefer the taste and high of organically grown cannabis from soil.


Well-Known Member
you are agreeing with me but trying to disagree.... we werent talking about outdoor... we were talking about indoor..and again hydro beats soil as far as yield every time.. i dont grow hydro because i prefer the taste and high of organically grown cannabis from soil.
You would be right is they used the same ratio but if they didn't then soil would be better or about the same if you grew a plant in a 1 gallon reservoir and i grew the same plant in 3-5 gallons of soil the soil plant would most likely yield the same or even more and will taste better,you would just finish a week or 2 faster.It's about how much space the roots have to thrive soil slows it down because it's a medium so overall hydro only finishes faster.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else sick and tired of this fucking question?
not so much, if u throw a pic up idc, its the i have, X amount of plants this tall and this wide, blah blah blah, its pretty much useless info. theres no magic yield equation to punch those numbers in and get a result. i agree with whoever said to go through with the grow, and see for urself how much u get, and thats a good bases to learn what a certain sized plant will yield in future grow. without pics, even with them most of the time, ur gonna have a whole range of guesses. person A said 1 oz per, while person B is saying 4 oz per,major difference between final yield. if u cant guess the yield urself, these folks over the computer screen certainly cant.