what would you have me do


Active Member
I've got access to some dirt with .05 .05 .05, perlite, vermiculite, peat, blood meal, bone meal, potash, epsom salt, molasses, and not a lot else... there isn't much in the way or indoor gardening around me and this time of year the pickings are even slimmer....

so how would you mix these ingredients and do you have any additions that anyone should be able to pick up?
we're talking lowes and walmart... a small ace and a true value... home depot means a road trip... its pitiful i know but that's why i'm asking for your help


Well-Known Member
Mix the soil with the perlite and vermiculite in a
60/20/20 mix.

Save the bone and blood meal, and molasses, for watering when the plants are in full veg (sparingly for blood and bone meal-they can burn your plants).
Peat is high in acid so i dont recommend using that.
Potash will be helpful during veg as will the molasses.
Use the epsom salts (1 tsp per galon) for flushing your plants.

It sound like you got a grab bag of a growers old stuff. Also know, that the older the supplements are, the less potient they are.

Good luck.


Active Member
Mix the soil with the perlite and vermiculite in a
60/20/20 mix.

Save the bone and blood meal, and molasses, for watering when the plants are in full veg (sparingly for blood and bone meal-they can burn your plants).
Peat is high in acid so i dont recommend using that.
Potash will be helpful during veg as will the molasses.
Use the epsom salts (1 tsp per galon) for flushing your plants.

It sound like you got a grab bag of a growers old stuff. Also know, that the older the supplements are, the less potient they are.

Good luck.

no... nothing old... just nothing available without ordering online or driving farther than i feel like going to just get a few things

especially this time of year
plus all that shit is organic so far so if i can do it that way i might as well

thank you for that advice


Active Member
driving to get supplies is one of the best and easiest parts of the grow, get to your local (or not so local) hydro store, or find a few & make a day of it.

the quality of your bud depends on you putting as much effort into giving the plants the best possible environment so dont skimp on your medium & your plants will reward you.

a half assed grow will result in half ass buds.


Active Member
driving to get supplies is one of the best and easiest parts of the grow, get to your local (or not so local) hydro store, or find a few & make a day of it.

the quality of your bud depends on you putting as much effort into giving the plants the best possible environment so dont skimp on your medium & your plants will reward you.

a half assed grow will result in half ass buds.

unfortuantely for me the closest hydro store exists in another state... not that i'm stuck in my state or anything... but i don't have "weekends" anymore... work is work... home is work... pot is almost work...

trust me i'll make a trip when i have a good enough list (and a pocket full of cash) to make it worth while... and i have "real" nutes i keep around in case of emergencies/screw ups... because I admittedly don't know what i'm doing... not that you can tell from the end results yet

IOW things have been good so far.. but Im sure they could be better.. and that's why i appreciate your help


Active Member
if your looking to save money, in the long run you will be better off investing in the first instance rather than constantly updating as you go....

you cant change your soil too easy 2 month into the grow so its best to get it right at the start.

if distance is a problem, use the net unless paranoia gets the better of you.

Good luck.


Active Member
use the net unless paranoia gets the better of you.

Good luck.

now you're on to it... haha... thanks for the good wishes... have no worries... i'm very patient these days...

in imaginary land i even seem to be doing alright in 2 of 3... imaginary trial run... hehe