What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

Thats what im sayin, i never see any women up on here..
im pretty sure i can count them on one hand, and april is one of the few "confirmed" (imagine picture of wink smiley face <--here [mad lazy]) that i see on this shit....
And as for what the other dudes wer saying i forgot who and i kinda forgot what they said but i thkni it went sumin like this...?|
we made this thread last for about 19 ages of dick convo wit almost all dudes and it was all straight talk, no gay shit, not 1 reply that started a domino effect of bullshit.. so commend ursleves on ur ability to talk about dick.. THE OFFICIAL RIU DICK AWARD is goin out to this thread.. ohh wait gotta stop myself guys time to chek on mah foreskin clones....
(postscript/sidenote/koalabear... my boy gave me a vial of something he called Base K(etamine) why they started adding the base iono but it dont acvt like k... so im only 75% sure i make sense.. so a happy foreyear to all and to all a goodshaft.. im out!!):weed::shock:
Definitely cut. . .uncut is like a package from your grandma. . .your always a little excited when UPS knocks on your door because its been a while since youve seen a package. Then you realize the package is from your 80 year old grandma, and you don't ever know whats in it, what is smells like, or are you gonna have to eat or wear whatever is inside because you feel bad. . .
i was going to post a thread about this woman in cali who cut her husbands cock off after reading it the other day, but i figured people may start to wonder about me and my cock / penis threads, lol, so i let it slide...
this woman cut of her mans penis and threw it down the garbage disposal.. she drugged him with something, tied him to the bed, the cut it right off.. omg, i'm still feeling it after reading that crazy ass shit..
I find strange how its mostly religion which pressure people in circumcision, yet god created human like this, strange huh.

Personnaly, I'm uncut and I dont think my dick is ugly (maybe if its not fully erected). However not all penis are beautiful ive seen some really ugly fuzzy looking uncut that clearly would've looked better cut (chatroulette has lot of example, one of the best place to sample dicks from the entire globe rofl)

i dont see how cutting something would make it larger, might seem bigger but its not.

oh while we are on the subject, masturbation when your cut always seemed weird from my point of view. wouldnt it cause more friction, easily irritate (do you guys have to use lube everytime?) and get less pleasure from a handjob (and no way im getting cut so I'll never know)

hum i generally just lurk, and here i am talking about dicks wtf,
thanks for adding to the dick thread bulbasaur!

welcome to the uncut penis club! all hail the mighty foreskin!
i was going to post a thread about this woman in cali who cut her husbands cock off after reading it the other day, but i figured people may start to wonder about me and my cock / penis threads, lol, so i let it slide...
this woman cut of her mans penis and threw it down the garbage disposal.. she drugged him with something, tied him to the bed, the cut it right off.. omg, i'm still feeling it after reading that crazy ass shit..
lmfao its fucked up,they were talking about it on the radio a couple days ago.
lmfao its fucked up,they were talking about it on the radio a couple days ago.

damn right it's fucked up .....s, lol... i can't even imagine someone getting near my peni with a knife, let alone going to town on it after i was drugged and tied to a bed, jessuu..
the good news is i think they said she's facing life in prison for doing so... i forget what they said the charge was, but i do remember hearing that she could be facing life in prison for it..
yea april is cool.I cant believe I used to hate her at first lol.

did you really .....s?? that's kinda crazy.. i think i've always been a fan of hers... some people on here i've taken some time to warm up to for sure, but i don't recall her being one of them..