What would you do???


Well-Known Member
I have a neighbor who is growing in his back yard too..And for the past few weeks I have noticed that his plants havent had any water...And I dont know him well enough to go tell him he is killing his plant...So today I took it apon myself to water them...Just squirted the hose and gave them a good amount of water...If i was your neighbor would you be mad at me...All the leaves were hanging and the plant looked like it was going to die...I hope i did right.


Well-Known Member
i would shake your hand for taking care of my plantskiss-ass

then kick you if you wanted a share in the yeild:evil:


Well-Known Member
your heart is in the right place but i would stay away. some people get pretty defencive.


Well-Known Member
Really thoughtful thing you did however I agree wit Bonz... People be on some shit sometimes next thing you know he'll be saying they were fine before you "did what you did" or better still he'll be doing shit to your plants and I'm sure you dont want that... Just one man's opinion


Well-Known Member
Really thoughtful thing you did however I agree wit Bonz... People be on some shit sometimes next thing you know he'll be saying they were fine before you "did what you did" or better still he'll be doing shit to your plants and I'm sure you dont want that... Just one man's opinion
I have the same thought now about him doing something to my plants...I'm just going to go over there and talk to him...And see what he says...i actually talked to him a couple times and he seems like a nice guy...I have a strong felling he is in jail...lol...will let you know what he says.


Well-Known Member
I have the same thought now about him doing something to my plants...I'm just going to go over there and talk to him...And see what he says...i actually talked to him a couple times and he seems like a nice guy...I have a strong felling he is in jail...lol...will let you know what he says.

LOL tell him you aint got no bail money for him but you'll keep his plants alive til he gets out or u run out which ever comes 1st...


Well-Known Member

LOL tell him you aint got no bail money for him but you'll keep his plants alive til he gets out or u run out which ever comes 1st...
Lol...Hope I didnt open a can of worms...And now this guy gets pissed and takes my plants in the night...If that happens...I will just show him the 3 s's...Shoot.Shovel and shutup...lol


Well-Known Member
Lol...Hope I didnt open a can of worms...And now this guy gets pissed and takes my plants in the night...If that happens...I will just show him the 3 s's...Shoot.Shovel and shutup...lol

LMAO spoken like a true wise guy...

Jimmy: You stupid bastard, I can't fuckin' believe you. Now, you're gonna dig the fuckin' thing now. You're gonna dig the hole. You're gonna do it. I got no fuckin' lime. You're gonna do it.
Tommy: Who the fuck cares? I'll dig the fuckin' hole. I don't give a fuck. What is it, the first hole I dug? Not the first time I dug a hole. I'll fuckin' dig a hole. Where are the shovels?
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Well-Known Member
mabee a good ice breaker is if you have some nugs ready, give him some to try out. mabee he wont think your up to something. then when he`s all couch locked you can take his plants and run like hell. lol, i`m just kidding i dont condone crop rip`s.


Active Member
I have a neighbor who is growing in his back yard too..And for the past few weeks I have noticed that his plants havent had any water...And I dont know him well enough to go tell him he is killing his plant...So today I took it apon myself to water them...Just squirted the hose and gave them a good amount of water...If i was your neighbor would you be mad at me...All the leaves were hanging and the plant looked like it was going to die...I hope i did right.
I would shake your hand and make you a batch of my special brownies for your good deed !!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: