What would you do?


Well-Known Member
I think Dubbah and the cop could be BFF. Seems like Dubbah is on the exact type of abuse of power trip the cop is on.............Cops smoke weed too. How do you think they get theirs? From the evidence room or from the skatin' kids....They confiscate the weed, smoke it up, then abuse their wife dog and kids.
sorry but that's just a dumb statement and whoever agree's with ya on that one is just as dumb......

done here....


Well-Known Member
Yea that statement is incredibly dumb. You obviously are a youngster cause your statement shows it. I am stopping myself from explaining why cause for most it should be obvious whats wrong about this comment. Well actually i cant. Cops dont smoke weed, drug tests. Cant sum up one persons actions as a whole. Also why does everyone hate cops, they do there jobs. Dont hate the people who enforce the laws, hate the ones who make them. I mean what would you do if a cop didnt respond to your 911 call for help. Thats the same thing as a officer not taking away your weed or pulling you over. Some yes overstep their bounds and abuse their power hense internal affairs.


Well-Known Member
Cops as a whole are pieces of shit. They cause more bad than good. I used to get pulled over when I was 16 and 17 for no reason and they would harse me and search my car with my consint. I had a cop tell me once that he was going to keep fucking with me until I was dead. And he was in my face yelling at the top of his lungs when he said that to me. FUCK COPS


Well-Known Member
So your summarizing police as a whole because of a few cops thinking your a punk. So let me get this straight without police we would be better of. So your saying crime such as murder, rape, molestation, assault and everything else would disappear. Everyone who say crashes their car, has a heart attack, overdoses ect would be better off. Maybe you have to think about the area you live in. Is there a high crime rate. Would you want to be a cop when you know there are thugs out there that just hate and even want to kill you. Especially if your in a high crime gang infested area. Would you approach a situation the same way if you were lets say in a rich wealthy suburban area as you would in a poor gang infested urban area. I wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
So your summarizing police as a whole because of a few cops thinking your a punk. So let me get this straight without police we would be better of. So your saying crime such as murder, rape, molestation, assault and everything else would disappear. Everyone who say crashes their car, has a heart attack, overdoses ect would be better off. Maybe you have to think about the area you live in. Is there a high crime rate. Would you want to be a cop when you know there are thugs out there that just hate and even want to kill you. Especially if your in a high crime gang infested area. Would you approach a situation the same way if you were lets say in a rich wealthy suburban area as you would in a poor gang infested urban area. I wouldn't.
pretty much what i wanted to say but didn't wanna waste the breathe.....
lots of police in this country in this country is what makes us safe......

police, and the "fear of police" is the only thing keeping thugs from kicking down your door and takeing your shit from your nice little family homes.....

but whatever most the people who hate all police just show there ignorance and would never beable to comprehend that there wrong anyways.....


Well-Known Member
i aint met many fair pigs!most of um lie and rough you up,beat you up,treat you with no respect and think you should respect um regardless like there superior!i prefer to stay away from police!


Well-Known Member
Yea that statement is incredibly dumb. You obviously are a youngster cause your statement shows it. I am stopping myself from explaining why cause for most it should be obvious whats wrong about this comment. Well actually i cant. Cops dont smoke weed, drug tests. Cant sum up one persons actions as a whole. Also why does everyone hate cops, they do there jobs. Dont hate the people who enforce the laws, hate the ones who make them. I mean what would you do if a cop didnt respond to your 911 call for help. Thats the same thing as a officer not taking away your weed or pulling you over. Some yes overstep their bounds and abuse their power hense internal affairs.
I could have given birth to you.....you toddler.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
i remember a cop made my friends do push ups for skateboarding somewhere before. i think there are a lot of cops that are assholes but there are also others that are really cool so i wouldn't say every cop is an ass


Well-Known Member
I remember a long time ago when I used to skateboard with a couple friends a cop stopped us and started cussing at u.. This was when I was 14 I think.. Then he told us to go somewhere else.. We Did.. Then an hour later he came over there and started yelling at us.. Took my friends skateboard, threw it in his trunk then arrested all three of us.. Once at the station he was searching us for drugs that he said he knew punks like us would have, which we didn't have anything. Then he found one of those fake million dollar bills in my friends wallet and started a big deal over that saying we were counterfiters.. WTF.. He was like you boys are in serious trouble if I see anymore of these fake bills floating around my city or in any vending machine.. Then they held us for like 4 hours only to let us go.. Total BS..:-|