new job. your given trade. you start doing a new task but along the same lines of what you are familiar with. you show the boss what you got BEFORE you are hired. the last person who worked there, we will call him joe, was an "ace". could do it perfectly. he's gone though. you handle it. they buy their new machine. one you are familiar with. they don't have it set-up right. they won't listen and blame you. you bite down and take it. they figure it out and SOMEWHAT fix it. they realize it wasn't you yet don't apologize. you come in monday morning. the boss has screwed up. a customer was at the door at opening and his product was not finished. the boss says hurry up and finish this one real quick. you start to. he says wait, no, this one. ok. you start on that one. no, wait, we haven't even started it yet. it takes a good 2 hours to build. the customer will be back in an hour. i say "no way". an hour? boss says sure "JOE COULD DO IT". what? " i said "JOE COULD DO IT". okay, that's kinda rude. i tell him that politely. he says he was kidding, but, "JOE COULD DO IT".
at this point, what would you do?
new job. your given trade. you start doing a new task but along the same lines of what you are familiar with. you show the boss what you got BEFORE you are hired. the last person who worked there, we will call him joe, was an "ace". could do it perfectly. he's gone though. you handle it. they buy their new machine. one you are familiar with. they don't have it set-up right. they won't listen and blame you. you bite down and take it. they figure it out and SOMEWHAT fix it. they realize it wasn't you yet don't apologize. you come in monday morning. the boss has screwed up. a customer was at the door at opening and his product was not finished. the boss says hurry up and finish this one real quick. you start to. he says wait, no, this one. ok. you start on that one. no, wait, we haven't even started it yet. it takes a good 2 hours to build. the customer will be back in an hour. i say "no way". an hour? boss says sure "JOE COULD DO IT". what? " i said "JOE COULD DO IT". okay, that's kinda rude. i tell him that politely. he says he was kidding, but, "JOE COULD DO IT".
at this point, what would you do?