What would Martin Luther King Jr. be if he were white?


RIU Bulldog

We all know the best jokes are a little blue, so let's here the jokes you only tell when there's no black/mexican/asian/women/gays etc around. One per post so we don't the one guy who googles it and paste a whole page of black jokes or whatever. And remember folks, this isn't meant to offend anyone. The last thing I want this to turn into is a debate....



Well-Known Member
A black guy walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender looks at him funny & says "hey, where did u get that thing?" The parrot speaks up & says "Africa. They're all over the place there."


Well-Known Member
I don't mind laughing at myself. I'm irish we are a pretty hardy bunch.
How many fags can you fit on a bar stool?
Four...if you turn it upside down.


Well-Known Member
Leading drug companies have announced that rabbits will no longer be used in experiments.
Pakistani's will be used instead.
A statement said the advantage of using Paki's is, they breed like rabbits but you don't get fond of them.


Well-Known Member
Just got thrown out of the local Mosque.
I was stood there during prayers....and ...well i just couldn't help myself....
I fuckin love leap frog


Well-Known Member
maybe if he was white, MLK wouldve started a white movement to oppress black people even more lol

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Q: What's the difference between an indian and a picnic table?
A: A picnic table can support a family.

I figured nigger would be a bit too un-pc.


Well-Known Member
I thought those were the somali's!

Leading drug companies have announced that rabbits will no longer be used in experiments.
Pakistani's will be used instead.
A statement said the advantage of using Paki's is, they breed like rabbits but you don't get fond of them.


Well-Known Member
whats the difference between a jew and a pizza?

a pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven


Well-Known Member
When white man found this land, Indians were running it.There were:- No Taxes- No Debt- Plenty buffalo- Plenty beaver- Medicine man free- Women did all the work- Men hunted and fished all the time The white man was dumb enough to think he could improve on that system!


Active Member
these kids are in class and the teacher says if you answer these quotes correctly you can leave school early so the teacher says the quote "i have a dream" billy and cindy raise there hand the teacher picks cindy and she says martin luther king she says ok you can go. the next quote is "ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country" billy and sarah raise there hand the teach picks sarah and she says john f kennedy the teacher says ok you can leave. billy says man i wish all these bitches would shut up and the teacher goes WHO SAID THAT! billy says tiger woods can i leave now?