What would make a not purple strains buds turn purple other than cold


Well-Known Member
isn't there some kind of deficiency that makes a plant turn purple...phosphorous or something..?


Well-Known Member
it's a different looking kind of purple. not the purple you want your plants to be but yes there is a deficiency that can cause purpling, not just on the stems. not 100% sure right now but i think it is phosphorus


Well-Known Member
Humbolt couties own Purple Maxxx is supposed to help bring out the color in plants.. But my Question is Why would you want to? 9/10 times purple bud is not as dank as some average green sticky.

If you have a purple pheno, great.. Anyone who purposely attempts to artifically make their plant purple, needs to re-think their goals. I honestly Never Buy Purple Bud if I have a choice, because most of it seems to suck to me.


Active Member
More information is needed, but purple other than leaves or petioles is almost always genetic. I produced and stabilized a black/purple phenotype/genotype of northern lights, which was unfortunately weak natured, whilst highly potent with amazing medical applications. Remember that above all, you are growing flowers; flowers are made to have color, most probably for the purpose of reproduction.


Well-Known Member
I don't want my plant to be purple since it isn't a purple plant, but there are like some of the calyxes on the buds are turning purple and not in a nice way if ya get my meaning...I started with one feminized seed of this strain 2 years ago and it hasn't ever been purple til now, so I assume it has to be something I have done to it...I gave it a compost tea and now as i said some of the calyxes have turned purple or black maybe...either way it is not green for sure...lol


Well-Known Member
im not sure just speaking from what ive been told but if its a dark purp kinda like a blackish purp its toxicity


i had some plants turn purple that were not supposed to be. started as purple lines on the woody stems of leaves and then became most of the plant. ended up being low on nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty...I knew it was low on Nitrogen...I didn't realize that could make it purple. I don't think I am going to grow this strain anymore...not when I can grow the hell out of some easy to grow stuff...lol. It is super sensitive to nutes...especially N and I ALWAYS overdose it...but apparently it needs nitrogen only during flower...lol. It certainly doesn't like it in veg have tried super tiny amounts and any at all is too much...I have tried different companies and products...got the closest this time using soil with all organic amendments...I started it in hydro---uggghhhh---...Anyway super nute sensitive... I finally decided yesterday to go ahead and give them some seabird guano 12-11-2...and they look maybe a little less yellow...I knew it was not enough N because the leaves weren't like fast yellowing but like the plant was using the leaves as a straw and sucking all the green out of them...and then the veins would turn green and the leaf stem bright red and then the leaf would fall off...I just also know that most people recommend not adding N, but man they were both just so so so deficient that I had to do something....I have never seen this plant low on anything, but have seen it overdosed constantly...funny.


Active Member
Many plants turn reddish and purple due to Temperature....colder season,how far along a plant is in its cycle.i have found that many people do not let the plant go long enough....if they did they may be very surprised to see how a plant evolves


Well-Known Member
Many plants turn reddish and purple due to Temperature....colder season,how far along a plant is in its cycle.i have found that many people do not let the plant go long enough....if they did they may be very surprised to see how a plant evolves
7 weeks flower so far...I know she isn't done yet...this strain takes between 9 and 12...I think these 2 will be readey closer to 10...


Active Member
isn't there some kind of deficiency that makes a plant turn purple...phosphorous or something..?
If it's the purple I'm thinking of, I had the same problem couple years ago, and couldn't find ANY answers ANYWHERE. I thought it was powdery mildew or some kind of fungus, I thought it was a million things! Is it like real deep purple, and like blotchy on the plant, and its not like in the green of the plant, it looks like it was dusted over the plant with dark purple eyeshadow or something? And the vegetation it's on is kinda dried out looking underneath? ANyways if it sounds like what I just said, it's probably what I had, and what I came up with was Phosphorus deficiency due to nutrient lockout due to overwatering. My plants were in trays without holes, and it poured rain, filled trays to top with water, and drenched soil...me=dumbass move. Anyways, I let them dryout and foliar fed them phosphorus and about 90% of them got rid of it. The ones that didn't still grew, like it didn't kill them, but it stunted and dried them out and made them real weird; I let my boyfriend smoke that weed, ha


Well-Known Member
sorry here are the pics

2012-02-06_17-07-08_268.jpg2012-02-06_17-07-43_174 (1).jpg

See all the purple calyxes..almost makes the whole bud look purple...both plants of this strain are doing it...I haven't had any turn purple before, but this is the firt time I have finished this particular strain in soil...so maybe something is just different?