What would be the outcome of topping my plants?


Active Member
I have 3 plants 14 days old since planting the seeds and i'd like to top them to make them grow shorter with more colas instead of just 1 tall cola like my current ones in flower. I flower in a ds60 tent so I believe topping would benefit me but I don't know if i've left it too late.


Well-Known Member
I like to leave my plants reach around 7-10 nodes before topping.

Uncle Ben has a good thread about topping in the advanced cultivation section of RIU.



Active Member
Thanks guys i'll get reading for a few hours and top them later. I try posting pics of my plants but i'm on my mobile and the upload thing is acting weird but if I get a connection on my laptop i'll upload them.


Active Member
If you want to really know there's a lot of factors. Some strains work better topped, others don't. PH also plays a role in apical growth.


Well-Known Member
yep, check out uncle bens topping guide. I suggest taking them for clones. Root them and throw em in a couple weeks behind mom and should grow a huge bud if you throw em in vs. top veg. em for weeks.


Active Member
I've topped them but on one of them I accidently cut off a starter branch growing from the main stem, will this matter or should I top again a node down or would that cause too much stress. The plant it happened to is a stretchy strain and I wouldn't be to bothered if it stunts as long as it can't fuck with the gender if you know what I mean. I'm wondering if I should top a bit below in case if what I did would create just 1 cola.


Active Member
its really hard to mess up the plant will do its thing no matter what sounds like you may have fimed her which funny enough is how it got its name


Active Member
Will this plant grow any different to the others. If you look carefully at the right of the stem you can see where the branch was cut. I thought it was these parts that start a new cola or will it grow back.


Active Member
Some plant's with extremely direct bud relation to strong apical growth are very bad to top. In some varieties of pure indicas you might as well grow it out, chop of the cola, throw it in the garbage because that's what the plants going to look like grown out "topped" it's not going to produce shit. I know you're not suppose to top chronic which isn't even pure indica, so you have to watch the general information and experiment. Anybody who's topped enough plants knows that "Uncle Ben's" topping technique is not a sure fire way to get the number of colas mentioned. You can top a plant and nature would have us think that the numbers of colas would follow some Fibonacci sequence in some kind of accordance to the number of side branches, but that's definitely not the case. It's pretty chaotic. Some plants bush out, some get a couple colas..