what would be the best time to stick my plants outside


Well-Known Member
i live in ohio what would be the best time to stick my plants outside without them flowering too fast


Active Member
Best to show you tried to do some homework first before asking questions here.

Great place to do homework also. If textbooks had pictures like these I might have paid some attention in school.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
You can put them outside in the spring after the ground has comletely thawed out. April is a pretty safe bet.

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
i like to do it a little different here in the south. it doesnt freeze here until late november early december. i set out clones in june. the shorter amount of light messes with a plants internal clock and it freaks out and grows up to 6 in a week. i had a great yeild this year this way


Active Member
Like its been said before, April 20th aka 4/20 is a safe bet because of the less chance of late frosts

That's What we do :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ok cuz i do mine inside i just didn't kno witch would b better my friends dad use to do them out side rip gregory mclain

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
yea when season permits i like to grow outside because i have a lot more space and i dont have to worry about light. but if indoor is more convenient keep them in. make everything as convenient as possible. growing is easy once you tailor it to your daily habit/ demands!
Happy Growing!!