What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Huckabee Sanders signs law paving way for anti-abortion 'monument to the unborn'

Read in The Hill: https://apple.news/AEepXiWq4Q5C_7mXlKBWq6w

disgusting, shameless grandstanding, playing on the emotions of mothers. But that's alright, the public will let her know what they think of her sleazy shit in the next election...If she escapes the avalanche of indictments heading towards the republican party...
No, the verse generally cited regarding homosexuality specifically refers to a man laying with another man
It *specifically* refers to people of the same sex having sex together. We modern monkeys are the ones who chopped it in half…and needed a new word for the other half.

(Maybe they assumed(!) that women had no sexuality or sexual nature *of their own*, ‘cause we know that happened (and didn’t)
“…or kill, torture, rape, etc….”

His world believes that 100%…he ‘might’ also believe that fear of gawd is the reason he can rake in so much money from the sheep…and he wouldn’t really be wrong
God has competition these days, Cheeto Jesus and Qanon among many, the usual simpletons are being drawn away by other beliefs and priorities and those with common sense and education have stopped thinking about God for a long time. I will say one thing for Cheeto Jesus, he knocked regular Jesus right out of the game in no time flat. I remember back in Dubya's day every republican had Jesus as their best friend and even Dubya talked to his imaginary friend every day. Jesus used to be really big in American politics, until Donald the antichrist came along. I must say the Devil seduced the usual suspects in no time flat! :lol:
It *specifically* refers to people of the same sex having sex together. We modern monkeys are the ones who chopped it in half…and needed a new word for the other half.

(Maybe they assumed(!) that women had no sexuality or sexual nature *of their own*, ‘cause we know that happened (and didn’t)
I recently read that it was more specific than that in the original German. ;)
It referred to a man doing his son.

edit- see p. 74
God has competition these days, Cheeto Jesus and Qanon among many, the usual simpletons are being drawn away by other beliefs and priorities and those with common sense and education have stopped thinking about God for a long time. I will say one thing for Cheeto Jesus, he knocked regular Jesus right out of the game in no time flat. I remember back in Dubya's day every republican had Jesus as their best friend and even Dubya talked to his imaginary friend every day. Jesus used to be really big in American politics, until Donald the antichrist came along. I must say the Devil seduced the usual suspects in no time flat! :lol:

Whatever happened to the so-called separation between the church and state?


EXCELLENT. If this is your work, bravissimo! Thanks for bring it here.

Kinda puts the focus on Chauvinism - where it began.

Historical note: though out-of-date, ‘chauvinism’ really is where “it all began”, in a sense.
The “honoree”, one M. Chauvin, was deeply satisfied with the excellence and superiority of his many possessions, ways, and ideas - and contemptuously scornful of all other options; in this way, chauvinism is a touchstone example of provincialism: ‘where *I* come from, everything’s normal; we do things the right way, we have great food, and great people, and we like it that way; we have the best music, the best kids, the best system, so don’t bring bad things from the outside…especially people who don’t want to do everything the way we do it here…and if we leave here, we’ll make sure to tell all those poor souls in the rest of the world what’s wrong with the things they do & believe - & fill them in on what they SHOULD do & believe instead’.

Chauvin, then, held himself as ‘a province of one’, and his ways, beliefs & preferences were better than all others - who should be scorned for being so wrong. In re: Tuberville, he is wedded to his (supplied) imaginary ‘reality’, which OF COURSE takes pride of place above data, fact, or experience.

That it’s substantially intertwined with the modern alt-reality created by endless explanations of “what The Bible(tm) REALLY means (I swear, Jesus told me HIMSELF)” also means it’s surgically joined to the modern alt-history of “white Republican Jesus America”. In other words, the brainwashing of the Tuberville class of programmable parrots is essentially complete (& at a conceptual dead-end…and as the article says,
the embrace of religious fundamentalism as social policy by one political party correlates with the shedding of faith by an increasing number of Americans. And the connection is worth exploring.
Billions is a huge exaggeration but maternal birth rates have been rising a lot compared to other advanced societies especially for black women.

True enough, but I wasn’t speaking of ‘unbirth’ rates (or holding Arkansan neverborns extra-special), but of the dead, as Chuckabee herself did…& women have been dying in childbirth for a very, very LONG time, while we (they) simply have ONLY been *statistically* interested in stillbirths, miscarriages, & the otherwise never-born UNTIL REAL RECENTLY
Pardon, the ‘it’ I spoke of is the word ‘homosexuality’, which indicates (to me) sexual activity between persons of the same gender. Unfamiliar with a German source
sorry, “the original German” is a joke. The Old Testament texts as originally written apparently didn’t assail homosexuality as a class. I found an interesting bit of exegesis and posted it back then.
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